Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day

Layering a Spider Plant


You can easily multiply a spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), as well as other indoor plants that produce long trailing runners such as strawberry begonia (Saxifraga stolonifera), Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata), episcia (Episcia spp.), rosary vine (Ceropegia woodii), and apostle plant or walking iris (Neomarica spp.).

Just place a small pot filled with potting soil near the mother plant and fix it one of the babies onto it with hairpin. Whenever the soil in the small pot is almost dry, water it. In a few weeks, when you can see a few roots through the drainage hole, you can free the baby by cutting off the stolon. It is now an independent plant that you can place as you please in your indoor decor.

Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all.

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