Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day

A Canna that Blooms Indoors? Why not?

Canna ‘Maui Punch’

Every northern gardener knows that cannas (Cannageneralis) are summer bulbs. With their green, purple or variegated leaves reminiscent of those of a banana plant and their flowers in mostly bright colors like red, orange, yellow, pink, or white, not to mention bicolors, the canna is a plant built to impress. You plant them in the spring and they sprout, grow and bloom in the summer, then you dig up their thick rhizomes in the fall and store them dry in the winter in a frost-free spot. But how many gardeners know you can use cannas as houseplants and see them bloom all year long on your windowsill?

Dormancy is Optional

Canna ‘Hello Yellow’ blooming in December … indoors of course!

Obviously, you do have to bring cannas indoors for the winter in a cold or even moderate climate: they are simply not frost tolerant. But you don’t have to put them into dormancy. It is perfectly possible to bring a canna in leaf or bloom indoors, just like you would bring  back indoors any houseplant you’d put outside for the summer, and keep it growing all winter. And if you have the right conditions, it will bloom over and over, all winter long!

This is possible because of a detail rarely mentioned in descriptions of how to grow cannas: that their dormancy is optional. In their native South and Central America, cannas mostly grow in swamps, ponds, and other poorly drained sites. But these wetlands are subject to periodic droughts, occasionally drying up completely. Sometimes this is an annual occurrence, but in others, the swamp can remain wet for years in a row before a drought hits.

Cannas have adapted to this by going dormant only when their soil dries out, sleeping underground in their thick rhizomes while waiting for the rains to return. Otherwise, as long as the soil remains moist, the plant will keep growing and blooming all year long. Unlike hardy bulbs like tulips and narcissus, where dormancy is mandatory (they will go dormant in the summer no matter what conditions you offer them), cannas don’t need a dormant period to grow and bloom. And no, blooming again and again with no period of dormancy doesn’t “tire them out”. As long as you continue to water your cannas and protect them from frost, they will continue to bloom on and on, even in winter.

The Right Conditions

It’s not at all that difficult to keep a canna growing and blooming on a windowsill indoors.

Canna ‘Pretoria’

Start by bringing in a plant in full growth early in the fall, before the nights cool off too much. Indoors, offer as much sun as you can, such as a spot in front of a large south-facing window. The more sun, the better the bloom! Also, the room should be heated adequately, to 60°F (15°C) or above if possible. Most homes can easily offer that temperature range. Anything cooler will reduce or even eliminate flowering.

All that you have to do is to water the plant regularly, just like you would any houseplant. And for once, you can even leave the saucer filled with water: cannas are a swamp denizens, after all. If ever you do let your canna dry out too long, however, it will go dormant.

Each stem produces only 2 or 3 flower clusters. So when a stem has stopped blooming, cut it off at the base. Yep, the whole stem, leaves and all. This will give more space for the sprouts that appear regularly at the plant’s base to flower in their turn.

Since your canna is now growing and flowering all year, you’ll have to fertilize all year as well: use an all-purpose fertilizer at a quarter of the recommended rate in fall and winter and and at one-half the recommended rate in spring and summer.

You can keep your canna growing for years, even decades, indoors all year if you like or you can put it outdoors for the summer, which tends to stimulate even greater bloom, because sunlight is more intense outdoors and not filtered by passing through glass as it would be on a window sill.

A canna indoors? Why not? It works for me!

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51 comments on “A Canna that Blooms Indoors? Why not?

  1. Love the info and advice! I hope this is still an active thread, as I could use some advice on when to take grown overwintered canna plants back outside. Here in southern Minnesota, I just bring the planter inside and place it by a window once temperatures drop, watering every so often. It’s the end of April and one of my cannas is 6 feet tall. I have not been able to find information on when it is safe to put the grown plant (not just a rhizome) back outdoors . We’re still going down to the low 40s at night. Thanks!

    • I don’t think this thread is that active as no one got back to my question below. I am not an expert at all but you live in a similar climate to myself and you can’t safely move the the canna outside until it has warmed up more in the nighttime, Id say mid May. Same weather you’d start planting your garden beds.
      Good luck

    • Mathieu Hodgson

      Wait until temperatures stay consistantly over 50? and make sure to acclimatize them.

  2. I cut my very large pot of cannas back when the temperature got cooler and brought the planter inside to the heated basement. I haven’t watered in at least 2 months but it keeps growing new shoots. I am going away for the winter so don’t want to worry about the plant growing when I am away ? How do I tell my little buddy to stop growing and get into dormancy?

  3. I have dug and stored can I replant at any time and grow as a house plant of does it need a ? dormant length of time before I can replant

  4. Pingback: Here Are Some Tips On How To Grow And Care For Canna Lilies In Your Own Garden How To Grow And Care For Canna Lilies – SC Garden Guru

  5. This is so helpful! Thank you! So do you mean clip the stalk at the base of the dead flower, or at the base of the entire stalk? I’m soo afraid of killing it! How do you know when a stalk is done and no new bloom is coming? (super new to this, sorry!)

  6. I had poor success storing cannas over in the cold room along with the root veggies. A few years ago, I set the dormant potted cannas in a very cool seldom used washroom, at times it was about 10 C in there, all those very many pots had come though beautifully! Last winter, a small ‘Tropicanna’ I set in the sunny south window, it slowly grew and developed all winter and enjoyed the summer outdoors, it’s now a very thick and full specimen! Alstroemeria ‘Inca Ice’ had flowered all winter in the south dining room window and this year I intend to keep over a large pot of asarina scandens and as usual my hibiscus collection, as long as one keeps the dang spider mites at bay and continues putting the fertilizer to things, even in the far north, you can have quite a colorful indoor winter landscape during the darkest coldest months of winter that drag on and on, come the middle of February everything is already kicking into gear with the strengthening and lengthening daylight.

  7. Abigail Green

    Haha this year I am bringing my Tropicannas in. As experiment and found this site. My living room is going to be a jungle. Banana tree, bird of paradise and cannas lol ?

  8. I just bought a small humidifier, mainly for the canna. I have a lot of other plants (about a dozen) in the same area as the canna. I’m wondering if the high humidity may not be good for all plants.

  9. I have a beautiful blooming canna that I brought indoor late fall. I’m wintering down south, and won’t be here to tend it for a couple of months. Do I just take it down to the basement (coolest spot in the house) and clip/water it upon return or should I prepare it by clipping it back now?

  10. Gee, I should have known about this. It just never occurred to me. I grew a few houseplants where I lived in town because the upstairs windows were so high above the ground outside, and so much of the ground was paved. (Besides, some of the plants I brought from Southern California preferred to be inside through the winter here.) Again, one of the upstairs window has pavement outside, although there is a nicely forested creek across the yard. I could hang plants from the eave, but that would look shabby outside. There is a happy spider plant here now. There are a few canned cannas out in the nursery yard that are still foliated, so I will bring one in to see if it can be as happy as the spider plant.

  11. My Canna is growing beautifully indoors, in a large pot. I just notice another stalk or leaf coming up right next to the original stalk. Do you think this is coming off the original or another plant starting? I’m sure the pot isn’t large enough to hold two plants. What do you suggest?

    • It’s another stalk and that will give future flowers. Let it grow, crowded or not. You can always repot into a bigger pot if you wish.ùx

      • Thank you, that is what I was hoping you would say. I wasn’t looking forward to trying to separate them. I will probably have to repot, the pot now is a 10 inch clay pot.

  12. Beverly lambert

    I’m going to bring cannas from pond to indoors, can I repot to bigger pots now? I purchased slightly larger pots and a long tall sided tray to put the pots into. I was planning on keeping them wet like the pond over winter inside infront of south window. Will cutback stalks which are done blooming, there are a few new stalks which have started. Is this all ok as a procedure or is there something else I need to do? Thanks for any info. Your article made me deside to bring them in as houseplants til next summer in the pond again.

  13. Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I will definitely repot it into a larger pot. I am very excited to see if grows into a beautiful plant?

  14. My daughter game me a Canna Bulb to plant outside but I decided to try it as an indoor plant. I put the rhizome in a pot 4 1\2″ tall by 6″ in diameter. It has only been about about 10 days and it’s grown about 6 inches tall! I’m worried now that the pot may not be large enough for it? Any comments will be welcome.

  15. John lappin

    If I decide to transfer to a larger pot for indoors what is the best compost I can use

  16. Very interesting article – will definitely bring it in (it’s in a pot) this autumn – thanks

  17. Geoffrey S Baldwin

    My neighbor allowed me to split off part of his plant. I potted them into 2 pots. The largest one is starting to flower indoors in a south facing window on Feb20th, 2021.

  18. I’m trying to winter mine over in the basement but they keep growing. Not going dormant! I’m not watering them but they are in their old pots.

  19. Diane J Teter

    I enjoyed your article. I planned on bringing my 2 containers of Canna Lilies in (and did). I decided to over winter them as if they were a houseplant. I have them under a broad spectrum grow light so they get enough “sun”. Good idea or bad? Thanks!

  20. Fran Gregson

    Thank you for a really interesting article. Cannas look such a tropical plant that they make you worry. I have been trying to decide what to do with my Cannas over the winter and having read your article I have decided I will bring them in and leave them in my conservatory. Hopefully they will continue to produce the most beautiful flowers over the winter.

  21. Could you co-plant them with bamboo – and grow indoors? Bamboo seems like they’d need more shallow planters. So, perhaps alongside? Would the callas appreciate the humidity that bamboo like?

    Thank you!

    • That’s a complicated question, as there are so many species of bamboo with such widely varying shapes, sizes, needs and habits that it’s almost impossible to generalize. Assuming you mean to do this indoors (subject of this article), right off the bat, few bamboo are really adapted to indoor conditions. Some are very dominant and could crowd the cannas out.

  22. Thank you so much for your reply 🙂

  23. Hello,
    I’ve lifted my cannas, have put them in green house, temperature there goes below (15°C) every winter , should I assume that this is not appropriated for the cannas to over winter as a house plant? , should cut back the stems and store them encouraging dormancy?
    what is the best way to store them ?
    Can I leave them to dry out in their pots with within the existing soil, at what temperature it will do fine?
    can they be exposed to light?
    Do I need to split/ divide them and any particular medium to store them in? .
    I would really appreciate your help.
    Thank you


    • At cooler temperatures, they won’t thrive. Just stop watering them and cut them back. You can leave them in their pots. Any temperature above freezing will be fine during dormancy. Being dormant, they won’t need light. By spring, they’ll be sprouting even if you didn’t water them all winter. That would be the best time to divide them if they look crowded. Then repot and start watering and up they’ll come!

  24. Thank you for your article ! I bought one this summer not even knowing what it was. I potted it in a large pot. It was tiny and didn’t seem to grow.
    It was during the hottest summer month and I think I was watering it too much so I let it be and watered it once e a week. Within the 2nd month it became a behemoth of a plant ! It’s huge and bloomed in 3-4 places.
    Winter came upon us and I didn’t want to let it die so I brought it in a room where the windows are as big as walls so it’s getting quite a bit of sunlight.

    I took down your tips and will apply them throughout the winter and she will hopefully stay healthy and beautiful.

  25. Question!? I was going to chop it down to rhizome and just over winter the bulb. Now I’ve changed my mind and it’s been outside in a protected atrium. Still has green foliage and blooms. Can I change my mind and bring it in?

  26. Fabulous article! I recently purchased a variegated canna that simply blew my mind. It’s leaves look as though they are straight from a painter’s brush. The owner of the greenhouse saìd that they were growing these ‘not for sale’ plants for next spring sales. I was able to purchase one ? but was hesitant on proper indoor care.
    Thank you so much for this informative article! I hope to keep my canna happy and thriving indoors for years to come


  27. Betty 019 Lautner

    I bought a beautiful canna this past septemberI now have it indoors where it gets good sun. However, the edges of the leaves are turning brown. I’ve been cutting the stems back, but it is
    not looking happy….any suggestions as how to keep it healthy? It is approimately 46 inches high,
    has many stems still coming in, and in a 15 inch pot.

  28. I love this idea! We live in a climate with extremely long winters, and the cheery yellow, orange & red cannas would be a welcome burst of color by a window to the snowy landscape that stays “black & white” for 8 months a year. So glad I saw your suggestion!

  29. This is really helpful. When you say fertilize at 1/4 of the rate recommended – what does that mean – to do 1/4 frequency or to use 1/4 of the dose? Thanks

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