Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day

Shredding Leaves with a String Trimmer

Every gardener knows that it is better to chop fall leaves into small pieces before using them as compost or applying them as mulch. (If not, here’s a text on the subject.) And here is an easy technique to do so:

Half fill a large garbage can with dry fall leaves and insert a string trimmer (weed whacker). Now just turn it on for a few minutes, raising and lowering it. It’s like making a leaf milkshake! The leaves will be shredded into tiny pieces of exactly the size you need for your compost or mulch needs.

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5 comments on “Shredding Leaves with a String Trimmer

  1. Pingback: From the FAQ Vault – It’s officially Autumn … I hate raking. – Red Hen Turf Farm

  2. Pingback: From the FAQ Vault – It’s officially Autumn … I hate raking. What do you recommend I do with these tree leaves laying around on my grass? | Red Hen Turf Farm

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  5. Having a nice looking yard does not end with mowing alone. You need to trim the lawn and edges to give it a professional look that everyone who walks into your home will envy.

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