There is a long-standing controversy in the field of organic gardening: can pressure-treated wood be used as part of an organic vegetable garden? Here’s what I know:
Pressured-treated wood sold in the US and Canada used to contain chromated copper arsenate (CCA). In the long term, this product released arsenic into soil, more under certain conditions than others. The fear was that the arsenic could be absorbed by vegetables and other edible plants and transferred to humans. And everyone knows that arsenic is toxic. In addition, burning wood containing arsenic is much riskier than using it in the garden!
In North America and in much of Europe, CCA-treated woods were removed from the residential timber market (they are still allowed for use in some commercial applications) sometime at the beginning of the 21st century (in early 2004 in Canada and the US and in 2006 in Australia, notably). Since then, two other products containing copper have been widely used in pressure-treated wood: alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) and copper azole (CBA).
They contain no arsenic: it’s their copper content that helps to preserve the wood. Any treated wood will eventually leach some of its chemicals into the surrounding soil (again, more so in some soils than others). However, copper is considerably less toxic than arsenic. The risk to humans and warm-blooded mammals from copper-treated wood is considered minimal, but fish and insects are very sensitive to it (copper-treated wood should never be used in ponds or streams). Interestingly, human beings absolutely need copper in order to to survive, but in very small quantities.
Soil experts disagree on using copper-treated wood products in a vegetable garden. Some see no serious risk for humans in using them in a vegetable garden, the amount of copper released being minimal and copper being considered essentially nontoxic unless present at extremely high levels. Others think it is safest to err on the side of caution and avoid the use of these woods near food. Health Canada discourages the use of these woods as an edging for an edible garden and accreditation agencies for organic products do not permit the use of wood treated with copper in certified organic vegetable production.
Curiously, the same accreditation agencies do allow the use of copper-based pesticides, including Bordeaux mixture, which release more copper into the environment than copper-treated wood ever could. Go figure!
What To Do?
So, should you use copper-treated wood in a raised bed vegetable garden or not? I think it would be wiser to use this product cautiously. If you choose to opt for the convenience and reasonable price of copper-treated wood, that’s your business, but I recommend using non-treated wood, either regular timber even if that means replacing it every 7 to 10 years or, if you are willing to pay top price, one of the rot-resistant woods, like cedar. Plastic lumber is another possibility.
Also, remember that, if it’s just a question of raised beds, you could use bricks, stones or cinder blocks to raise the bed above the surrounding soil. Or you could simply mound the soil and slope the sides, using no containing material whatsoever.
Some Other Possibilities
There are still a few other possibilities. Like painting untreated wooden boards with some sort of waterproofing agent—paint, stain, varnish, etc.—so it will last longer. Unfortunately, few of these products are considered acceptable in the field of organic gardening, at least not if you’re growing vegetables commercially and hope to get your organic certification one day. (The criteria for organic certification are so stringent in most countries that the average commercial organic vegetable grower could never hope to obtain it.)
Untreated wood can, however, be painted with linseed oil. This treatment will help waterproof it… and linseed oil is one of the few waterproofing products that is 100% acceptable in organic gardening circles.
Alternatively, you could build the frame of your vegetable garden with pressure-treated wood (ACQ or CBA), then cover the inner wall with a sheet of plastic so that no copper from the wood ever touches the soil it contains. Many organic gardeners use this combination and feel fully comfortable with the result.
And If Your Vegetable Bed Is Already Framed with Treated Wood?
If your vegetable bed was installed after 2004 using copper-treated wood and you’re a concerned organic gardener, what should you do? This is a situation where there will always be divergent opinions. Even among people who take organic gardening very seriously, many would see nothing wrong with it. Maybe this is one of those cases where toeing the organic line too closely is being more Catholic than the Pope!
I agree that you can’t go wrong with caution here. Save certain wood for projects that don’t involve food in the vicinity. The right lumberyard or store has so many options to choose from that it shouldn’t pose an issue.
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Copper is actually an essential mineral. There is such a thing as copper toxicity (just google ‘papa smurf’ and “copper” simultaneously) but that’s people who take massive amounts of it. You can also get water toxicity if you drink too much. For me ACQ if fine, Arsenic is also a necessary nutrient, some studies suggest we actually don’t get enough of it., but I wouldn’t use CCA because it is very toxic in high doses. Of course, you make your own decisions.
Great to hear that pressure treated wood is safe for gardening in Canada (I’m in AB). Wife wants me to build a vertical planter that will go along the side of the house where there’s plenty of sun. Knowing that pressure treated wood can be used is a huge relief. Thanks for the great info.
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Thanks for discussing the different options for treated wood when it comes to landscaping. I didn’t realize that ACQ and CBA pressure-treated wood contains copper to repel insects. Since I wanted to use this type of wood for a retaining wall and not a vegetable garden, it isn’t the main concern. However, it is good to know that soil experts don’t see it as a risk if I ever did want to grow plants in my yard.
Thanks for the good information. I purchased a home fairly recently and was not blessed with good soil on site. I have decided to build raise beds and bring in better soil for my vegetable garden. The information you have presented makes me feel comfortable with my decision to go with treated lumber.
However, I read elsewhere that certain types of fasteners (galvanized) should be used with treated lumber. Have you any information regarding this stipulation? Thanks and Howdy from Texas.
Yes, the fasteners have to be resistant to moisture. Here is a site that gives the details: It’s a Canadian site, but the information ought to be international!
Canadian sites hold good information. For anyone outside of Canada it “is” international. Much of the world reads USA sites …. just sayin’