If you have a shady corner and want to add a few shrubs, it’s important to know which varieties to plant, because most shrubs are sun-loving plants or will tolerate, at best, only partial shade. Very few species will do well in a heavily shaded spot, that is, one that receives very little direct sunlight.
The following shrubs, though, have all that ability and also that of being able to tolerate the presence of abundant tree roots. Do note that even shade-tolerant shrubs will likely grow more slowly in the shade, may bloom less abundantly or appear a bit sparser than they would in a more brightly lit spot. Those are environmental comprises they made long ago to living in a situation where sunlight, their only source of energy, is rare. Even so, the shrubs listed below will all acclimatize and do well in shade.
Other Factors
To successfully grow shrubs in shade, you also have to respect their hardiness zone, given here following the plant’s name. In short, you can grow shrubs of your hardiness zone and of any zone with a smaller number. For example, if you live in zone 5, you can choose shrubs from zones 1 through 5.
Also, each species has its soil preferences: rich or poor, acid, neutral or alkaline, moist or dry, dense or light … but there was no room to include all that here, so this list can really only be a first step in your search.
It’s also useful to know how to plant in soil invaded by tree roots. For that purpose, I suggest you read A Laidback Gardener’s Guide to Planting in Dry Shade before you start.
That said, here is the list of tough shrubs that tolerate deep shade.
The Best Shrubs for Shade
- Aucuba japonica (aucuba, spotted laurel) zone 7
- Buxus spp. (boxwood) zone 4 to 7, according to species
- Calycanthus floridulus (Carolina allspice) zone 5b
- Camellia spp.(camellia) zone 8
- Cephalanthus occidentalis (buttonwood) zone 4
- Chionanthus virginicus (fringetree) zone 5b
- Clethra alnifolia (summersweet) zone 4b
- Cornus alternifolius (pagoda dogwood) zone 3
- Cornus racemosa (grey dogwood) zone 3
- Diervilla spp. (bush honeysuckle) zone 3 to 5, according to species
- Dirca palustris (leatherwood) zone 4
- Eleutherococcus sieboldianus, syn. Acanthopanax sieboldianus (spikenard) zone 5
- Euonymus alatus (winged euonymus, burning bush) zone 3
- Euonymus fortunei (wintercreeper) zone 5
- X Fatshedera lizei (tree ivy) zone 8
- Fatsia japonica (fatsia, Japanese aralia) zone 8
- Fothergilla spp. (fothergilla) zone 5 to 6, according to species
- Fuchsia (fuchsia) zone 7 to 9, according to species
- Gardenia jasminoides (gardenia) zone 8
- Gaultheria procumbens (wintergreen) zone 2
- Gaultheria shallon (salal) zone 7
- Hamamelis virginiana (common witchhazel) zone 4b
- Hydrangea quercifolia (oakleaf hydrangea) zone 6
- Ilex spp. (holly) zone 3 to 8, according to species
- Itea virginica (Virginia sweetspire) zone 6
- Kalmia angustifolia (sheep laurel) zone 1
- Kalmia latifolia (mountain laurel) zone 5
- Kerria japonica (kerria) zone 5b
- Leucothoe spp. (leucothoe) zone 5 to 7, according to species
- Lindera benzoin (spicebush) zone 5
- Lonicera spp. (honeysuckle) 2 to 7, according to species
- Mahonia spp. (grape-holly) zone 4 to 8, according to species
- Nandina domestica (heavenly bamboo) zone 7
- Microbiota decussata (Siberian cypress) zone 3
- Physocarpus spp. (ninebark) zone 3
- Pieris japonica (Japanese pieris) zone 6
- Pittosporum tobira (Japanese mockorange) zone 8
- Rhododendron (rhododendron, azalea) (some varieties, such as ‘Boule de neige’, R. carolinianum, R. catawbiense, ‘Elviira’, R. kiusianum, ‘Maid in Shade’ series, ‘Nova Zembla’, ‘P.J.M.’, ‘Ramapo’, R. schlippenbachii, ‘Snowbell’) zone 3 to 10, according to species
- Rhododendron groenlandicum, syn. Ledum groenlandicum (Labrador tea) zone 1
- Ribes alpinum (alpine currant) zone 4b
- Rubus odoratus (purple-flowerig raspberry, thimbleberry) zone 3
- Sambucus spp. (elderberry) zones 3 to 6, according to species
- Sarcocca spp. (sweet box) zone 6
- Sorbaria spp. (sorbaria) zone 2 to 5, according to species
- Staphylea spp. (bladdernut) zones 4 to 6, according to species
- Symphoricarpos spp. (snowberry) 3 to 6, according to species
- Taxus spp. (yew) zone 4 to 6, according to species
- Tsuga spp. (hemlock) zone 4 to 6, according to species
- Vaccinium (cranberry) zone 3
- Viburnum spp. (viburnum) zones 2 to 8, according to species
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