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Garden Myth: Juicy Fruit Gum to Control Moles!

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Sorry, but no, moles won’t die if they eat Juicy Fruit gum. In fact, they won’t even eat Juicy Fruit gum! Source; &, montage:

Moles can be quite a problem for gardeners. Given that they reside underground and only come out at night (and for very short periods at that) when they push the “diggings of the day” to the surface, forming a molehill, and that, moreover, they are not attracted by the usual sweet or odoriferous baits that we place out to catch rodents, they are simply very difficult to control. However, that doesn’t stop them from tunneling through our lawns and gardens, lifting the sod and leaving molehills everywhere. Although they don’t eat our plants, they can nevertheless be quite destructive.

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Not mountains, but molehills. Lots of them. Made by just one mole. Source: Rasbak, Wikimedia Commons

But not to worry! You just have to put a stick of Juicy Fruit gum into one of their tunnels and they will greedily eat it. Then the gum blocks their digestive system, leading to their death!

Wonderful, isn’t it? Except it’s not true. Not even close! Yes, it’s yet another gardening myth.

Moles are, in fact, mostly vermivorous (they eat earthworms) and secondarily insectivorous and molluscivorous, eating insects (including ones harmful to our gardens, like cutworms, white grubs and wireworms), slugs and snails. Gum simply doesn’t interest them!

What to Do?

My suggestions as a laidback gardener?

First, keep the Juicy Fruit for yourself. It’s really quite tasty. You could probably use it to trap humans!

Secondly, just try to ignore them. They do most damage in the spring, when the ground is still soggy after snow melt, as at that season they need to tunnel near the surface, leaving a trail of lumpy soil. They’re pretty harmless the rest of the time … and they do eat white grubs, not an insect many people like. So if a lumpy lawn really doesn’t bother you, it really is possible to learn to simply live with them.

Mole trap. Source:

Thirdly, if they’re really causing a problem you can’t ignore, try trapping them. You’ll find mole traps in most hardware stores. The trap has to be placed in an active tunnel, one where the earth has recently been disturbed. There is no need to bait it: the idea is to set it up so that it’s placed over the tunnel, so when the mole comes bumbling along its underground path, it will crawl right into the trap. Then … kabam!

The good news is that you’re probably only dealing with one mole, as they’re solitary creatures. (Yes, all that damage is being caused by one very small mammal!) So when you have caught the varmint in your trap, the problem will be solved … at least for the current season.20180506A &

10 comments on “Garden Myth: Juicy Fruit Gum to Control Moles!

  1. For 15 years we removed moles from our property with Juicy fruit gum. Very easy, use gloves, no human scent, roll like a worm shape, 2 to 4 per stick of gum, sprinkle a little dirt on them and drop in each mole hole. Works 100% of the time.

  2. Thomas Morrissey

    it worked for me with juicy fruit, dont know who this is but he dosent know what hes talking about. and the damamge is year round, no fact to anything he said

  3. Mary Watters

    They do damage to your pavers you laid down and side walks cave in,so I will try everything.

  4. Bull shit you’re seriously trying to get us to buy the traps that I use that did not work I used juicy fruit gum and they all disappeared

  5. I have found the mole will readily eat juicy fruit. I poke several holes with my finger into the main tunnel and insert a stick in each hole. After a few days the activity is gone. And I assume the mole.

    • Of course, mole experts will tell you you are wrong, that the mole has most likely dug deeper into the ground as the season advances where it causes no further bother, which is why moles are usually only an annoyance in spring, when they dig just under the soil surface. But you action is harmless and if you feel it’s worked for you, keep on with it!

      • Mary Watters

        Your wrong, its july and their still leaving trails.

      • Farmer Joe

        This is 100% wrong. I will remember that everything on this blog is useless. Not sure why he is spreading disinformation.

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