Gardening Houseplants Interior decoration

Pattern Plants as Indoor Decorations

Pattern plants (here, peace lilies) add a vibrant, earthy aspect to any home. Think too about choosing pots that suit the decor. Source:

A Guest Blog by Vicky Layton

Decorating your home is always an exciting opportunity for you to add your personal touch, particularly if you’ve just moved house and you’re starting with a blank canvas. Your home design should reflect your family daily life as well as being a comfortable and practical living space. Greenery can add a vibrant, earthy aspect to any home, as well as providing you with cleaner air due to its filtering properties.

Pattern plants, in particular, bring another dimension to your home as a stylish accessory. What is a pattern plant exactly? They’re essentially plants with an extra something special, whether that’s patterned leaves or unusual flowers; they look great around the home.

So, whether you’re decorating from scratch or rejuvenating a tired room in your home, here’s a guide to using pattern plants as indoor decorations:

In the Lounge or Conservatory

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Add greenery to a lounge for a finishing touch. Source: Shabd Simon-Alexander,

The lounge and conservatory are living spaces where all the family congregate at the end of a busy day. Conservatories are a relaxing area that your guests are likely to spend a lot of time in whenever they come over, especially in summer, so the interior design of the room is important. Complement your conservatory furniture with a dash of greenery. Greenery can add life and color to an otherwise minimal room. The best part of greenery in a lounge or conservatory is dotting them around to create a subtle yet beautiful overall aesthetic. Pattern plants that work well in a lounge or conservatory include: watermelon peperomia, zebra plant and peace lily.

Watermelon peperomia (Peperomia argyreia). Source:
  • Watermelon peperomias (Peperomia argyreia) have a gorgeous reddish tint on the stems and underside of the leaves, ideal if your lounge color palette includes warming colors.

    Zebra plant (Calathea zebrina). Source:
  • Zebra plants (Calathea zebrina) are aptly named because of the zebra pattern running down the leaves, a beautiful art deco style plant that looks wonderful in the living room.
  • Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are dark green with white “flowers” (which is actually a white leaf that grows hooded over the real flowers). They look sensational against a bold wallpaper or places in the middle of a coffee table for a touch of sophistication.

Bedroom Decoration

Plants in the bedroom clean the air and give extra oxygen. Source:

Your bedroom decoration doesn’t need to please everyone’s tastes: it’s your own private retreat. When it comes to delicate pattern plants in your bedroom, the options are endless.

Satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus). Source:

Satin pothos (Scindapsus pictus) looks smart and polished. The leaves have a silvery pattern and a beautiful teardrop shape.

Prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura). Source:

Similarly, a prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura) has interestingly shaped leaves, as well as symmetrical dark green patterns running through them. Don’t forget that the pots the plants grow in can also be an opportunity to add color and style.

For the Bathroom

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Succulents won’t live forever in most bathrooms, too dark for their taste, but you can switch them with other plants regularly, moving them into bright sun. Source: Nooches, Hannah Jackson

Many people don’t consider a bathroom as a prime place to include greenery in the home, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to add come character and color to the space. Bathrooms are typically white, mostly due to the white fixtures, so the contrast of green colors works particularly well. Low-maintenance plants are ideal for the bathroom, as it’s likely you’ll want to focus most of your attention on the main rooms in the house. Succulents such as cacti are popular choices as bathroom plants, as they require very little upkeep but look quirky and interesting placed on a bathroom shelf.

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The snake plant (Sanseveria trifasciata) tolerates low light better than most other succulents and is an ideal choice for the windowless bathroom. Source: www.waitrosegarden.

Snake plants (Sanseveria trifasciata) also need little attention, but the shape of the leaves and striped patterns will give the bathroom a boost of color and style.

Pattern Plants Around the Home

The next time you’re taking on a design project in your home and you’re gathering together the ornaments and finishing touches for decoration; consider a pattern plant as an unusual alternative.

20181002I Vicky Layton.jpgVicky Layton

Hi! My name is Vicky, I’m an interior designer, running enthusiast and occasional model. Fashion and design are and will always be my passions and I also love sports. I am currently doing an internship but I would love to open my showroom soon!

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7 comments on “Pattern Plants as Indoor Decorations

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  6. mickthornton

    How does one get their Peace Lilly to grow so vertical? I have 3 larger ones in 12 to 14 inch wide pots and the plants grow more out than up. One is just over 3 feet in diameter. They’re nice and have 4 to 6 flowers on each but they can only fit in certain places.

    • Partly, this is due to selecting naturally upright cultivars and removing lower leaves (photographers often do the later for photo shoots), but also, brighter light will naturally tend to produce upright growth.

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