Bulbs Cut flowers Gardening Holidays

Spring Flowers for a Happy Easter

Easter display including narcissus and muscari.

Easter is the time for togetherness, colored eggs, Easter egg trees and, of course, flowers. Make your home even more inviting during these special holidays by decorating it with spring flowers. 

Spread the Joy

A pot or bouquet of Easter flowers makes a thoughtful gift.

Maybe you have a friend or relative who’s confined right now and all on their own? If so, why not drop off a pot of spring bulbs or a bouquet of cut flowers and bring some joy into their Easter? They’ll be forever thankful!

And don’t give up hope you won’t be able to find Easter flowers in this year of coronavirus confinement. Even in this trying time, pots of blooming bulbs are available in supermarkets and convenience stores. And even if your local garden center is closed, employees are working behind the scenes caring for the plants and might well be able to deliver something utterly charming to the doorstep of your choice.


The intense perfume of ‘Gipsy Queen hyacinth will ensure a scent of spring.

The cocooning so typical of winter is over: Easter is on its way. Nature is coming back to life, along with all of its colors and fragrances. This is the perfect time to crawl out of your winter shell and welcome the joy of spring. It’s time to bring a bit of nature’s wonders indoors in the form of colorful spring flowers.

A celebration

Simple, yet charming: cut flower tulips and an Easter egg tree.

What could be more refreshing and cheerful than taking in the sights and scents of nature with its new green leaves and flowers? Spring flowers like daffodils, tulips and hyacinths are sure to catch the eye. Whether as cut flowers or pre-forced bulbs in pots, they add a festive touch to any room. Isn’t it nice to have your home looking and feeling like Easter?

An Easter trend

Handcrafting can help create an exotic ethnic Easter look.

The Easter trend this year is all about traditional ethnic customs. Achieving this means combining various items that reflect this look. Their handcrafted characteristics create a cheerful casual atmosphere. Flowers or pre-forced bulbs in pots in natural colors and bright accent colors are perfect for creating the look of Easter.

More information about bulb flowers and pre-forced bulbs in pots is available at www.ilsysays.com.

Text adapted from a press release by iBulb. Photos also from iBulb.

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Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, laidbackgardener.blog will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all.

3 comments on “Spring Flowers for a Happy Easter

  1. I’m all for flowers, but ‘exotic ethnic Easter look’?! The colors, forms and motifs are all very pretty, but are completely irrelevant to Easter . . . or exotic ethnicities. I mean, what other culture does that?

  2. Lovely inspiring ideas!

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