Garden Myths Plant propagation

Garden Myth: Aspirin as Rooting Hormone

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Question: Can you use aspirin as a rooting hormone?

Zofia Walnik

Answer: No, or at least, you could, but it won’t likely be of any help.

Of course, information to the contrary abounds on social media. Usually one of two methods is recommended:

1. Adding a regular strength aspirin tablet to a glass of water and rooting the cutting in the resulting solution.

2. Adding a regular strength aspirin tablet to a glass of water and soaking the cutting for 1 hour before inserting it into potting soil.

Neither of the two methods will get any notable boost from the aspirin. The second method will be more successful than the first, though, because cuttings rooted in potting soil grow much more vigorously than those started in water. (Read Starting Cuttings in Water: Not Such a Good Idea to better understand why.) But that has nothing to do with the aspirin treatment.

Two brands of aspirin, one labelled ASA.
Aspirin may also be labelled ASA. Photo: Daniel Case, Wikimedia Commons

Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), very similar to the salicylic acid that plants themselves produce when they are stressed. Used at very low doses (it’s toxic at high doses), ASA has all kinds of beneficial effects on humans, but very little on plants.

In different studies, ASA was generally found to have no effect on rooting. In the few cases when it did, it tended be more likely to inhibit rooting than to stimulate it, although in some cases there was a very slight beneficial effect. However, either way, the effect, positive or negative, was so slight that “the results were not scientifically valid.” In other words, the effect of aspirin on cuttings is not worthy of mention. So, essentially, you simply waste an aspirin tablet when you apply one to a plant cutting.

But precisely, since aspirin has essentially no effect, people who use it cry victory when their cuttings take root and then spread the good news on Facebook, Twitter, etc., without thinking that if they had not used aspirin, the result would likely have been just as good, even slightly better in some cases. 

Most soft stem cuttings produce their own rooting hormones and don’t need outside help. That’s why rooting cuttings is so easy!

Cutting with rooting hormone applied.
For plants that are difficult to root, applying rooting hormone gives the best results. Photo:

For cuttings with semi-woody and woody stems, which are more reluctant to root, there are commercial rooting hormones that help a lot. But aspirin? It’s just a waste of time!

To learn more about the art of taking cuttings, read Rooting Cuttings Step by Step.

Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all.

5 comments on “Garden Myth: Aspirin as Rooting Hormone

  1. Pingback: Can Aspirin Be Used As Rooting Hormone? Top Answer Update -

  2. Pingback: Top 10+ Aspirin As Plant Growth Hormone

  3. Well, it may improve aspirin sales. I can understand such a myth though, since salicylic acid used to be extracted from species of Salix, which innately root very easily in mud or water. I remember Martha Stewart showing how stems of willow, cottonwood or related species could be soaked in water that would then promote rooting of cuttings that were soaked in the water after the willow, cottonwood or related twigs were removed. It seemed like too much work for me, since, as you mentioned, most cuttings do not need much help to root.

  4. I have heard about adding aspiring but what’s better is charcoal. It is also antiseptic so your plants won’t get infected. Also, when we’re talking about plants and cuttings..when you cut a plant it’s good to secure the wound eg by adding a cinnamon on the wound. Have you heard of it? I did it with my banana plants. I have grown banana from seeds I have bought some time ago on and when it grew big there were small bananas growing next to it. I called them ‘baby bananas’ but I had to separate them from the big plant. So I used the cinnamon , which I really recommend.

    • Cinnamon is well-known to have antiseptic qualities. I’ve never tried it on banana offsets. I’ve transplanted those without any special treatment and all went well.

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