
Canada Post’s Calla Stamps Welcome Spring

Callas are elegant flowers popular for weddings and other important occasions

Canada Post is bringing a touch of class to its well-loved flower series with release on March 1, 2022, of a two-stamp issue depicting the elegant calla.

Native to southern Africa, callas (Zantedeschia) were used medicinally before becoming prized around the world for their beauty and longevity. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as calla lilies, the flower is not a true lily but part of the unusual arum family (Araceae), which also includes the philodendron, the jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema) and the peace lily (Spathphyllum). Callas are a common sight at weddings, as well as other celebrations and remembrances.

Introduced in 2005, the annual flower stamp issue is a bestseller and is often used on wedding stationery, including invitations. This year’s two stamps were designed by Paprika with illustrations by Fanny Roy.

The stamps are sold in a booklet of 10—five of both designs—and in a convenient coil of 50, offering 25 of each design. A souvenir sheet is available for collectors, along with strips of four and 10 stamps from the coil. The Official First Day Cover of the combo is cancelled in Brampton, Ontario (known as the “Flower City” of Canada).

Stamps and collectibles are available at and postal outlets across Canada.

You can read about growing callas in the article Calla: June 2020 Houseplant of the Month.

Text largely based on a press release by Posts Canada.

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6 comments on “Canada Post’s Calla Stamps Welcome Spring

  1. GeorgeMaltson

    Calla lilies are my beloved’s favorite flowers. My bride and I chose them to decorate our wedding. We recently got engaged and I gave my fiancée a mesmerizing custom 1.5 carat engagement ring , and it has exceeded all expectations. The size strikes a perfect balance, commanding attention without being overwhelming. The brilliance of the diamond is breathtaking, and its versatility ensures it complements any style.

  2. I sure wouldn’t mind that weed in my garden

  3. Alan Blackwell

    Only trouble with this plant is it’s now a weed in Western Australia which has invaded all the land south of Perth! So, nice as it may be it is not welcome here!

  4. Jessica Crawford

    Beautiful stamps; I will definitely be buying some!

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