How to Get an Orchid to Rebloom
Orchids have a reputation for being fussy and temperamental, requiring precise care to thrive. However, recent insights suggest that phalaenopsisContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Orchids have a reputation for being fussy and temperamental, requiring precise care to thrive. However, recent insights suggest that phalaenopsisContinue Reading
In this practical article, first published on November 15, 2018 and ranked as the 11th most viewed article, Larry HodgsonContinue Reading
There are some things I feel the average houseplant grower doesn’t quite get and one of them is the importanceContinue Reading
I found this article by my father in Gardens East, a now defunct magazine he used to write for. It’sContinue Reading
The croton reacts badly to changes in its environment, often losing most of its leaves. Photo: Rez, Question: I receivedContinue Reading
Ill.: Claire Tourigny, from the book Les 1500 Trucs du jardinier paresseux Most houseplants adapt fairly well to indoor conditions,Continue Reading
Sometimes you have to water houseplants more in winter, not less. Source:, &, montage: I alwaysContinue Reading
A quick shower can be very beneficial to indoor plants. Source: Dust, dirt and cooking oils that accumulate on theContinue Reading
Winter is difficult for houseplants and they’ll need a bit of TLC to get through it. Source: There areContinue Reading
Indoor plants render great services to their owners. They decorate our homes, they purify the air we breathe, they reduceContinue Reading