Discovering Botanical Families: An Introduction
Have you ever noticed that some of the plants you grow have similar characteristics? That some of the flowers onContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Have you ever noticed that some of the plants you grow have similar characteristics? That some of the flowers onContinue Reading
Latin… why? Don’t see the use of it? Or on the contrary, it’s a strange creature that intrigues you andContinue Reading
In botany, we can draw many analogies with the animal kingdom. The terms used are sometimes the same: epidermis, cuticle,Continue Reading
By Julie Boudreau Everyone loves anecdotes, even gardeners! There are two very popular plants called geranium. Two plants very differentContinue Reading
Reading the title of this article, you’re probably already making a list in your head: too much water, not enoughContinue Reading
By Julie Boudreau The world of Latin nomenclature never ceases to amaze me… and confuse me! Every year, plants areContinue Reading
Leaves are green, right? And we’re all supposed to know why because we studied photosynthesis in high school. However, sinceContinue Reading
A few weeks ago I was doing a little research on a glorious plant well known to all, the dandelion.Continue Reading
Did you know that plants have a sex life? That’s what the flower is all about. It wasn’t created toContinue Reading
The interest in succulents often begins with the purchase of a few “too cute” little plants simply identified as “assortedContinue Reading