Laidback Gardening: What to Do in January?
Seriously? A gardening calendar for January? Non, je ne suis pas tombé sur la tête! Granted, in the North atContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Seriously? A gardening calendar for January? Non, je ne suis pas tombé sur la tête! Granted, in the North atContinue Reading
Even though we’re in the middle of autumn, here in Canada, I find that November marks a clearer transition betweenContinue Reading
Phew! For someone who claims to be a self-proclaimed laidback gardener, you’re probably thinking that these are pretty long listsContinue Reading
September is a month of transition, both in life and in the garden. It’s back to school for the kids,Continue Reading
The cooler nights and shorter days of August fill me with nostalgia every year. It seems to me that theContinue Reading
I can remember the days when I was a market gardener. Early summer always offered a welcome break from fieldContinue Reading
If the length of this list is anything to go by, June is not the month for Laidback gardeners! However,Continue Reading
Here in Quebec, May signals the start of the outdoor gardening season: the mercury rises, the soil warms up, theContinue Reading
No matter how laidback you are, there are still some limits! You can put off certain things, like houseplant care,Continue Reading
Spring officially begins on March 20. Days of 12 hours or more stimulate plant growth, and gardeners’ brains, which haveContinue Reading