In Mother Nature’s Garden: Lilacs
Have you ever eaten lilac? I have, out of curiosity. I can confirm that the taste has nothing to doContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Have you ever eaten lilac? I have, out of curiosity. I can confirm that the taste has nothing to doContinue Reading
I love plants (as you do, I hope), but I also love other things. I wanted to share with you,Continue Reading
Home gardens have seen a big uptick in popularity over the last few years, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Continue Reading
5 Ways to Enjoy Salad Greens! Ashleigh Smith of True Leaf Market Salads have been a raw and healthy stapleContinue Reading
By Debra KnapkeAuthor of Herb Gardening for the Midwest Herbs are definitely multi-purpose plants. Traditional uses include culinary, medicinal*, fragrance, and dye. WeContinue Reading
Cheery, bright sunflowers: they’re the perfect plant to entice pollinators, add garden drama (the good kind, that is!), lure little onesContinue Reading
Bean seeds come in a wide range of colors and sizes. Photo: Question: I was a bit slow harvesting myContinue Reading
It’s that time of year again. Nights are getting cold, too cold for your tomatoes to mature on the vine,Continue Reading
Ill.: &, montage: The weather is sunny and warm and you want to spend a maximum amountContinue Reading
As your spring vegetable garden begins to fill in, you soon reach the stage where you’ll need to thin theContinue Reading