10 Small Native Plants to Beautify Your Garden in Spring
By Julie Boudreau It’s not a secret, every motivation to make our world a better place always end up withContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
By Julie Boudreau It’s not a secret, every motivation to make our world a better place always end up withContinue Reading
Ah biodiversity! It’s the first word we throw out when we want to emphasize the urgency of acting for theContinue Reading
Hi there! Let me introduce myself. My name is Audrey. I’m a biologist and a new member of the LaidbackContinue Reading
Photo: Wavebreakmedia, depositphotos By Hannah Walters The COVID-19 pandemic has made us all appreciate our gardens more. The very factContinue Reading
You can easily invite wildlife into your garden. Photo: Jardins de fleurs Article by Kimberley Cornish Does your heart beatContinue Reading
Yes, believe it or not, this is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, first launched in 1970 by United States Senator GaylordContinue Reading
Don’t rake your lawn: those leaves are still useful. Source: ksenvironmental.com.au *Yes, I know I’ve written about not cleaning up gardensContinue Reading
Why would anyone want to empty a garden that’s still full of flowers? Source: A hikayeler.me & hanslodge.com, montage: laidbackgardener.com Question: WeContinue Reading
Here’s a principle about laidback gardening that I don’t emphasize nearly enough: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” WhenContinue Reading
I first heard of stabilized plants over 30 years ago. At that time, a local company was importing “stabilized bonsais”Continue Reading