The ABC of N-P-K
Ill.: A fertilizer, also called plant food, is composed of minerals plants need for their growth. In a soilContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Ill.: A fertilizer, also called plant food, is composed of minerals plants need for their growth. In a soilContinue Reading
It’s best not to feed plants when they aren’t growing. Source: Stephen Almond, &, montage: Outside ofContinue Reading
Rusty nails give nothing to plants… so why do gardeners keep adding them to their soil? Source: Since timeContinue Reading
If you want outstanding container flower gardens or abundant, tasty vegetables in pots, you have to both water and fertilizeContinue Reading
You really don’t need to apply as much lawn fertilizer as most fertilizer salespeople tell you, nor as frequently. TheContinue Reading
Note: I republished this blog with permission from Folia Design, a Quebec City houseplant boutique. The author is Réal Dumoulin. IContinue Reading
Bone meal used to be a quite decent fertilizer. That’s when it was made from cattle bones full of marrow thatContinue Reading
You open a bag or container of fertilizer in the spring and you’re in for a shock: it’s as hardContinue Reading
Normally, in temperate regions where winter nights are very long and days very short, it’s best to stop fertilizing houseplantsContinue Reading
One popular myth about houseplants is that you have let tap water rest for 24 hours before use to prevent damagesContinue Reading
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