Browning Leaves on an Indoor Avocado
In this practical article, first published on November 15, 2018 and ranked as the 11th most viewed article, Larry HodgsonContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
In this practical article, first published on November 15, 2018 and ranked as the 11th most viewed article, Larry HodgsonContinue Reading
Like some plants in winter, the Laidback Gardener team will go “dormant” during the month of January, to replenish itsContinue Reading
A memory from a trip to central Mexico. In a small local restaurant, the owner, short of limes, goes toContinue Reading
Late August is the perfect time to go sightseeing in Quebec: the weather’s nice, it’s not too hot, the vegetationContinue Reading
By Julie Boudreau Nut trees are a catch-all category that includes just about anything that grows in a hard shell:Continue Reading
Following my article on holiday traditions and cranberry jelly, many of you begged me for more information on this littleContinue Reading
Question About 5 years ago, I moved my raspberry bushes from one end of the garden to another, and theyContinue Reading
Question About ten years ago, we bought a dwarf apple tree (cultivar ‘Yellow Transparent’). Every May, we apply dormant oil.Continue Reading
Question Where can I buy a hardy banana tree? I’m told that this tree doesn’t stand up to our winters.Continue Reading
Question Two years ago, I decided to try my hand at growing a pineapple that spent the summer in myContinue Reading