Answers to Your Questions : Aphids on Houseplants
Question My hibiscus and my abutilon spend the summer outdoors. For the past 2 years, I’ve noticed that while they’reContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Question My hibiscus and my abutilon spend the summer outdoors. For the past 2 years, I’ve noticed that while they’reContinue Reading
While it’s relatively easy to keep most leafy tropical plants in the house, it’s difficult to make them bloom again,Continue Reading
If the # 1 problem with houseplants during the winter months is giving them enough light, the # 2 problem isContinue Reading
Overview and History The African Violet Streptocarpus ionanthus (syn. Saintpaulia ionantha) was originally discovered in 1892 by Walter von Saint-Paul-Illaire in theContinue Reading
Spider mites (or red spider mites, Tetranychus urticae) are everywhere: on our outdoor plants in the summer and on our houseplants inContinue Reading
You may not have noticed, but if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, many houseplant pests have been less visibleContinue Reading
Plants are not the immutable objects people usually think they are. In fact, they all move, although too slowly forContinue Reading
You’ve probably seen them in a garden center or even a supermarket: pointed tubular stems perfectly aligned in a pot,Continue Reading
Yes, hellebores (Helleborus spp. and especially the very early H. niger) are often called Christmas roses. That’s because, in mildContinue Reading
Now that you’ve understood the importance of atmospheric humidity and what’s at stake for plants, humans and our homes, byContinue Reading
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