Never Too Late to Plant
July is here, and the flowering season is slowly getting underway… and you still feel that your home lacks flowers?Continue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
July is here, and the flowering season is slowly getting underway… and you still feel that your home lacks flowers?Continue Reading
“Plant trees!” If I were to write a book about my 365 horticultural thoughts for the day, this one wouldContinue Reading
One of the most unpleasant things about gardening is breaking your trowel in the heat of the moment. Yes, thereContinue Reading
A few years ago, a tabloid journalist made headlines with the story of a landscaper who had rolled out turfContinue Reading
Last week, I presented MY tree planting technique to you in detail, while emphasizing the fact that there are probablyContinue Reading
How does the song go: “When It’s Springtime in Alaska, it’s forty below”? That can be true up north, butContinue Reading
If you’re digging a planting hole, you have no need for a tape measure. You already have the tool youContinue Reading
By Larry Hodgson Only dig a planting hole as deep as the root ball is high. When I started gardeningContinue Reading
American witch-hazel is one of the few witch-hazels that blooms in the fall rather than the spring. Photo: Question: MyContinue Reading
Shrubs are some of the most reliable and hardworking plants in the garden. They are long-lived, big enough to makeContinue Reading