by Larry Hodgson July 25, 2017 Number of comments0 Gardening Harmful insects Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day Plant pests Water gardens Keeping Mosquitoes Out Of Your Water Garden With mosquito-borne diseases (West Nile virus, equine encephalitis, Zika* virus, etc.) becoming increasingly common and worries about sources of stagnantContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Larry Hodgson February 12, 2016 6 Gardening Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day Pesticides Bt: The Garden-Friendly Bacteria When we think of bacteria, we always tend to conjure up the harmful varieties, such as flesh-eating bacteria (Streptococcus Group A),Continue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...