Controlling Those #$@&%* Japanese Beetles
A well-known scourge of North American gardeners, the Japanese beetle is the focus of this article, originally published on JulyContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
A well-known scourge of North American gardeners, the Japanese beetle is the focus of this article, originally published on JulyContinue Reading
If the length of this list is anything to go by, June is not the month for Laidback gardeners! However,Continue Reading
How often do I hear people say, in despair, that they don’t have a green thumb with houseplants? And yet,Continue Reading
What happens to houseplants when you move them-4°F (-20°C). How they would fare after their (admittedly very short) exposure toContinue Reading
Houseplants for All: How to Fill Any Home with Happy Plants By Danae Horst Danae Horst, founder of Los Angeles-basedContinue Reading
I found this article by my father in Gardens East, a now defunct magazine he used to write for. It’sContinue Reading
In spring, the light in front of a south- or west-facing window becomes more intense and abundant daily and also starts toContinue Reading
Are your houseplants looking a paler shade of green than they used to? Do the leaves lean towards the light?Continue Reading
I’ve been growing African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) since pretty much forever. My first one came from a leaf my greatContinue Reading
Watering houseplants when you’re away is always a problem. Even if you ask a friend or relative to water themContinue Reading