by Larry Hodgson October 30, 2019 8 Ferns Houseplants My Staghorn Fern Is Pregnant! Ill.: &, montage: Well, not exactly pregnant, of course. That’s not really a botanical term. ButContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Larry Hodgson February 19, 2019 4 Ferns Gardening Houseplants An Easy Way to Mount a Staghorn Fern I have three staghorn ferns (Platycerium bifurcatum). One is in a hanging pot which is it slowly engulfing, the otherContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Larry Hodgson January 14, 2018 Number of comments0 Bromeliads Epiphytic plants Ferns Gardening Houseplants Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day Orchids Trash-Basket Plants: Prettier Than They Sound! I’ve long been fascinated by bird’s-nest ferns (Asplenium nidus and similar species, such as A. antiquum and A. australasicum). TheyContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...