Warning: Eggshells Actually ATTRACT Slugs
A very popular gardening myth claims that coarsely crushed eggshells are very sharp and that slugs would tear their bodies openContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
A very popular gardening myth claims that coarsely crushed eggshells are very sharp and that slugs would tear their bodies openContinue Reading
Question My hostas are attacked by slugs and I have tried many things to control them with variable amounts ofContinue Reading
By Larry Hodgson First, for the thirteen gardeners on the planet who have not heard that you can attract slugsContinue Reading
Over the last two days, I presented two slug treatments of varying effectiveness. The eggshell barrier treatment does not work at all.Continue Reading
In yesterday’s blog, I explained why an anti-slug barrier made up of crushed eggshells is not effective. I received plenty of flackContinue Reading