Houseplants Light Needs of Plants

Morning Sun: Ideal for Houseplants

In many ways, a window facing east is the perfect orientation for houseplants. Since the morning sun is cool, a window facing east is never too hot, even in the middle of the day … unlike its hot-as-coals opposite, the west window. The light intensity there is excellent during the summer and very good in spring and fall. Okay, the light could be better in the winter, but at least there is enough light there to keep most plants alive until the spring, when longer days and more intense sun will come to their rescue. 

Of course, if you do have that option, moving your plants to a south window in the winter and back to an east window the rest of the year would be even better, but if you only have the choice of a single window for houseplants, an eastern exposure is simply the best.

House Hunting?

Many smart phones come with a compass included. Photo: Ze Kitez,

If you’re an indoor gardener, make sure you always bring a compass with you when you are looking a new apartment or house. It can be very disappointing to discover after the fact that all your windows face north, the least interesting exposure for plants, and that, as a result, they are dying one by one. 

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