Gardening Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day

Living Dead Amaryllis… on Sale Now!

There seems to be no limit to the atrocities to which merchants will subject plants in order to make a sale. After offering cactus with glued-on dried flowers, poinsettias sprayed with fluorescent dye and glitter, spray-painted succulents, orchids injected with blue dye, etc. (see Horticultural Rip-offs of the Holiday Season for a few others), there’s now a new gimmick: a dying amaryllis bulb dipped in colored wax. Here’s the situation:

Amaryllis bulb dipped in wax.

When an amaryllis bulb is ready to bloom, it will flower, even if you don’t plant the bulb. You can leave it on a shelf or table, without any care, and out comes the flower stalk. This isn’t particularly good for the plant. Ideally, it should have been potted up before it bloomed so it could develop a solid root system, but it is still feasible to plant it after it blooms and the plant should recover.

That an amaryllis bulb can bloom without being planted is a surprising fact, one few gardeners seem to know about, but obviously a few merchants are aware of the phenomenon and have decided there is money to be made from it.

Dipped in Wax

What you will be seeing in your local garden center – if indeed they are not already present – are amaryllis bulbs dipped in wax of a holiday color: red, green, white, gold, silver, etc. Sometimes artificial snow or sparkles have been added, making the bulbs look rather like Christmas ornaments.

Before dipping the bulb in wax, it is stripped of its papery outer tunic and its roots and its basal plate are cut off. So that the bulb can be set on a flat surface without falling over, a stand is added. The ones I have seen are metal and are physically inserted into the base of the bulb.

At this point, the bulb is still alive, but dying. Without roots or a basal plate (actually the plant’s compressed stem), suffocated by a layer of wax, the bulb can’t possibly survive… but before it does die, it makes one final effort at life by producing flowers. The bulb is at this point essentially one of the living dead.

An amaryllis bulb will bloom without being planted.
A bulb, mutilated, dipped in wax and and sprayed to look like a Christmas ornament.

“No need to water!”

Note that the merchant proudly sells the waxed bulb a label saying “No need to water!”. Of course not! Since when do the living dead need water? And even if you wanted to water one, how would you do it when the dying bulb no longer has roots to absorb water with?

Before the bulb dies, it will produce an upright flower stem and four to six big flowers. No need for any complicated explanations about getting these amaryllis to rebloom. They simply won’t. Just toss them after they finish blooming.

I find it particularly sadistic that suppliers dare to promote living dead amaryllis at Christmas, a holiday which is a celebration of life! Maybe they should instead offer their living dead amaryllis for Halloween?

Oops! Just as I was putting the finishing touches on this article, I discovered suppliers do offer living dead amaryllis bulbs for Halloween, although I didn’t see any in my local garden center. Dipped in orange wax with a jack-o’-lantern decal, believe it or not. Macabre, n’est-ce pas?

Living dead amaryllis bulb: Halloween version!

This article was first published on this blog on November 20, 2015. Its content and layout have been revised.

Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all.

11 comments on “Living Dead Amaryllis… on Sale Now!

  1. Oh, I was not aware of the Jack O’lantern bulbs. That is somehow even weirder.

  2. Julianna Goldsmith

    Wow. I just discovered waxed bulbs this past week. I felt they were a bit suspicious. And now I know why. Zombie flowers. Sad. I will share your succinct article. And I will pass on ever purchasing a waxed bulb.

  3. I have managed to save mine! the bulb was very withered under the wax (have pictures)

  4. So can you rescue a waxed bulb amaryllis by removing the wax and potting it?

  5. Sarah Pitson

    my boyfriends mother brought this plant as a gift after i visited them in the Netherlands, i wanted to find out what type of care this plant would need because i thought it was weird that it didn’t need water and was encased in wax and whenever i pressed the wax the insides felt squishy,i have no clue about plants but when she brought this for me i thought i would keep it alive for as long as possible but now i just feel sad whenever i look at it.

  6. Well, I’m a student living in a crummy room for the term. Not all of us are fortunate to have a permanent home with space to garden, repot, etc. This bulb is my little patch of heaven until I move again next month. “Permanent” plants would have to go out in the freezing dumpster anyway

    • Fine… but you’re paying extra for the pleasure of buying a dying plant. A healthy bulb will cost you much less and you can still toss it after it blooms.

  7. Just awful! A grouping of live Amaryllis can look so regal.
    Why would anyone hurt a bulb in such a manner?

    • And what about Christmas trees which are grown for the particular purpose of being cut down and used at Christmas time. Aren’t these bulbs in the same category? I don’t see the big issue. I imagine a lot of people do not keep their amaryllis bulbs from year to year. Toss them and buy a new one next year. What is the difference?

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