Like some plants in winter, the Laidback Gardener team will go “dormant” during the month of January, to replenish its strength for the coming season. But don’t worry! Articles will continue to be published every day to keep you entertained, informed and dreaming of spring.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Laidback Gardener blog, and for the occasion we’ve compiled a list of the 30 most popular articles of all time. Some must-reads are a natural on the list, while others may surprise you. These choices reveal what has piqued our curiosity and fuelled our passions over the years.
This must-read on growing hibiscus indoors, by Larry Hodgson, ranks 28th on our list. Originally published on January 13, 2017, it answers a question often asked by gardeners: how to successfully grow hibiscus indoors, especially during the cold season?
I get more questions about growing hibiscus as a houseplant than almost any other plant. Why? Because it often behaves very badly indoors. You’ll find it’s a capricious plant under average home conditions… but still it can be grown successfully indoors.
Would you like to learn how? Well, let’s start at the beginning, that is, by choosing the right plant!
Choosing the Right Hibiscus
The genus Hibiscus in the Malvaceae (mallow family) includes more than 200 species, including annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees. Most of these do not make good houseplants. In this article, therefore, I’ll cover only one species, the Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), by far the most popular species offered for indoor use.
This plant is of tropical origin and therefore grows best under tropical conditions. That means, in temperate climates, outdoors in the summer and indoors in the winter.
Among the hibiscus you should not bring indoors are the perennial hibiscus (H. moscheutos and related species) and the rose of Sharon (H. syriacus). These are outdoor plants, best left in your garden all year. I find it important to point out the difference, as many beginning gardeners presume a hibiscus is a hibiscus and bring the wrong plant indoors.
Chinese hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis) is so called because the first cultivars to reach Europe were sent from China. The species is thought to be indigenous further south, perhaps in Malaysia or the Pacific Islands, but has never been found in the wild. The plant has become naturalized in many tropical regions, however, and semi-wild populations exist. Despite its nickname “Chinese rose”, it is not, of course, in any way related to a true rose (Rosa spp.).
The genuine H. rosa-sinensis
In actual fact, the true H. rosa-sinensis is rarely cultivated. Most varieties offered these days are the result of over 1,000 years of crosses often involving other hibiscus species.
The Chinese hibiscus is a shrub or small tree with woody stems from 3 to 16 feet (1 to 5 m) tall. Its evergreen leaves are shiny dark green (some cultivars have variegated foliage) and elliptic with a toothed margin and a pointed tip.
Les fleurs à 5 pétales parfois frangées forment un entonnoir largement ouvert, comme une antenne parabolique, avec au centre une colonne staminale qui réunit le stigmate à 5 lobes et les étamines jaunes.
The original petal color was red, but there is now a wide range of colors: pink, yellow, orange, white, and even, in fancy hibiscus, shades of violet and blue. Often there is a red central eye. Some varieties have double flowers. Flowers can measure from 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm) in diameter, even up to 8 inches (20 cm) for fancy varieties.
Sadly, the flowers last for only one day (sometimes 2 or even 3 days for some modern cultivars), but the plant produces others over a long flowering season, almost all year under optimal conditions.
Common Hibiscus or Fancy Hibiscus?
The Chinese hibiscus commonly sold in garden centers has relatively small (about 4 inches/10 cm in diameter), solid-colored flowers often with a red eye. They are usually single, though sometimes double. I simply call this type a “common hibiscus”. It tends to produce several flowers at once and to bloom over a long period. It is often sold without a cultivar name. Quite honestly, common varieties are probably the best choices for the average houseplant lover, if only because they bloom so much more than fancy hibiscus.
Fancy hibiscus are more striking plants, often with dinner-plate-sized, multicolored flowers. Once you’ve seen these “collector’s items”, it’s hard to resist trying one. But you might be disappointed with the results. They don’t flower as abundantly or as regularly as common varieties, often only during the summer and even then, only sporadically.
Fancy varieties are hard to find locally, unless you happen to live in the tropics where there may be specialized local nurseries. Most of us have to order fancy varieties by mail.
They also tend to be hard to root from cuttings. Sometimes the only way of propagating one is by grafting it onto a more vigorous common rootstock. And yes, they are also far more expensive than common hibiscus.
Hibiscus sur tige
Hibiscus grown on an upright, sometimes even braided, stem is also available. This is not a genetically distinct hibiscus, but rather a common hibiscus pruned in a special way. In fact, you could prune any hibiscus to form a tree if you like. Simply choose an upright branch to serve as a trunk, remove any stems or leaves at the base of this trunk and prune the top of the trunk more frequently to stimulate a good density of branches.
L’entretien d’un tel hibiscus est d’ailleurs strictement le même que pour tout autre hibiscus.
When Growth Retardants Wear Off
The typical common hibiscus sold in garden centers has been treated with a growth retardant (i.e. growth hormones). This chemical stimulates a reduction in stem length without affecting flowering. (In fact, it tends to increase bloom!) The plant then remains compact and densely leafy for 6 months to a year or more, and by that time you take for granted that this low, dense habit is your hibiscus’s natural look. You’ll then get quite a shock when all of a sudden your little hibiscus starts sending up much longer branches with well-spaced leaf nodes, leading to a much sparser appearance and turning your plant from a dense mound to a space-consuming shrub.
But this is how a hibiscus really grows. These growth regulators are mainly used by professional growers and are not generally available in the retail trade. You should then control the size of your hibiscus by pruning.
General Culture
In this section, I’m limiting my comments on to how to grow a Chinese hibiscus in a temperate climate, one where it will be spending the winters indoors. This is quite different from how you would handle a hibiscus if you were growing it in the ground year long, most likely in hardiness zones 9 to 12. I’ll leave explanations on its outdoor culture to others.
The Chinese hibiscus is not an easy-to-grow houseplant. It takes some experience to grow it well and I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to a beginner. Learn how to grow foliage plants like dracenas and philodendrons and simpler flowering plants like peace lilies and African violets before you embark on trying to grow a hibiscus!
Do note that it’s best to treat the Chinese hibiscus as either an indoor plant that spends the summer outdoors or a summer plant that spends the winter indoors. Hibiscus grown indoors all year long tend to become rather wimpy.
Hibiscus need a lot of sunshine to do well. During the winter, place it in the sunniest place you have, probably near a south-facing window. When the sun begins to intensify in the spring, you may find in necessary to move it back from the window, at least during the hottest hours of the day. But in any season, it will always need bright light to bloom well.
If light is lacking, you can grow a hibiscus under intense artificial lighting: a 4-tube fluorescent light, for example. Use a timer to provide 16 hours of light per day. However, it remains difficult to give such a large plant adequate light: often a plant grown under artificial lighting is green and floriferous at the top, but loses most of its lower leaves.
In late spring or early summer, when the night temperatures remain above 50? (10?), begin to acclimatize the plant to outdoor conditions by placing it in the shade for a few days, then partial shade for a few more before exposing it to full sun.
While your hibiscus is actively growing, water it abundantly as soon as the soil is dry to the touch. Depending on growing conditions, the size of the pot and the size of the plant, that can be as often as every 4 days or as infrequently as every 2 weeks.
Don’t let the leaves wilt from lack of water! Yes, the plant will likely recover, but each time it wilts, it loses more leaves and more flower buds. If your plant is constantly wilting, it’s probably seriously root bound: repot it into a larger pot.
If you put your plant into semi-dormancy (more on that later), keep it much drier, watering it just enough so it doesn’t dry up entirely.
Normal indoor temperatures suit this plant fine. Although it can tolerate temperatures as low as 30 or even 28? (-1 or -2?) for very short periods, it won’t like them. To keep yours growing all year long, you’ll need temperatures above 50? (10?). Many people find it easier to grow a bit on the cool side (about 60?/15?) over the winter, as this reduces watering needs and helps keep insect pests at bay, but that isn’t an absolute requirement.
As mentioned, don’t move it outdoors in summer until night temperatures remain above 550? (10?).
Curiously, despite its tropical origins, your hibiscus may drop its flower buds when temperatures soar to above 90?/32?). During a heatwave, it may therefore be worthwhile to move it at least temporarily to a shadier, cooler location.
Hibiscus is prone to leaf and flower bud drop when exposed to dry air, a common occurrence in our homes in winter. Under such conditions, it is also more susceptible to insect infestation. It’s best to use a humidifier to increase humidity during the winter months. Beware: leaf drop can also occur as a result of a sudden change in temperature, water stress (excess or lack of water) or insect infestation.
This plant is a heavy feeder. It enjoys regular fertilization, but unless you’re growing it under artificial light, it’s still best to encourage it to slow down a bit during the winter by not fertilizing it between October and the end of February. During the growing season, use the fertilizer of your choice, reducing the rate to a quarter of the recommended dosage.
A hibiscus blooms best when it’s a bit underpotted. In most cases, repotting into a slightly larger pot will only be necessary every 2 to 3 years. Any houseplant potting soil will be fine. The best time for repotting is late winter (late February or March).
A lot of gardeners hesitate to prune their hibiscus since it blooms at the branch tips. It’s thus very obvious that pruning will always eliminate some of the flowers to come. In fact, it will take several months for the new branches stimulated by pruning to start producing flowers. On the other hand, you don’t prune it, it becomes overgrown and ungainly. It’s one of those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situations.
My recommended approach depends on your growing conditions.
If you have ideal growing conditions – high light, high humidity, moderate to warm temperatures, etc. – and therefore a situation where your hibiscus ought to be able to flower all year, make a habit to cutting back the longest branch or two to about two thirds of its length every 3 months. This will stimulate the growth of new branches that will bloom in a more distant future, yet will still leave the plant with older bud-bearing branches that will bloom over the coming weeks. As a result of this selective and gradual pruning, you’ll get bloom throughout the year on a plant whose height is still being kept under control.
On the other hand, if your hibiscus is simply holding on over the winter due to a lack of light and not doing much in the way of growth or blooming (the usual situation in most homes), wait until late February, then cut all the branches back by two-thirds. This will give you a more compact and symmetrical plant that will start bloom just in time for the summer.
Bringing Your Hibiscus Back Indoors
The worse mistake beginners make with their hibiscus is bringing it back indoors too late. When you leave it outdoors until late in the season, say until the end of September or into October, it will acclimatize to the cooling nights and higher humidity. Imagine its shock when you suddenly bring in indoors to the heat and dry air of your home! The plant usually reacts by rejecting most of its leaves, which turn yellow and drop off. It also creates a perfect situation for insect pests: they really proliferate on stressed-out plants.
Instead, bring your plant back indoors early, in late August or early September, when conditions indoors and out are approximately identical. Thus, there is no stress, very little leaf yellowing, and fewer insect infestations.
Give your hibiscus a thorough cleaning before you bring it back indoors. You don’t want any insects to come with it! For more information on this, I refer you to Time to Bring Your Houseplants Back Indoors.
A Winter of Semi-Dormancy
Most people have no choice other than to grow their hibiscus at room temperatures, but if you have access to a barely-heated room, one that stays about 40? (5?) all winter, even if it has no lighting, you can force your plant into a sort of semi-dormancy that will at least keep it alive over the winter.
Your plant will not like this treatment and will lose almost all its leaves, but with this kind of cold treatment plus minimal watering (only water it enough to keep it from dying out completely), you can at least keep it alive until spring. Then it will recuperate when you move it to back to brighter conditions and start to water it again.
You can multiply your hibiscus through stem cuttings, air layering or grafting, but usually only stem cuttings are used by home gardeners. Forget about growing it from any seed it produces: it won’t come true to type.
Many people complain about having trouble getting hibiscus cuttings to root… usually because they try to root them in water (an old-fashioned technique that really ought to be banned).
If you really want to succeed with hibiscus stem cuttings, here’s what to do:
- In spring or early summer, cut terminal sections of stem about 3 to 4 inches (7 to 10 cm) in length.
- Remove any flowers or flower buds as well as any leaves on the bottom half of the cutting.
- Apply a rooting hormone to the cut end with a cotton swab.
- Insert the cutting into a pot or tray of moist growing mix.
- Cover it with a dome or transparent plastic bag to keep the humidity high.
- Place it in a warm spot, about 75 to 80? (24-27ºC), under medium lighting. Don’t expose the cuttings to full sun as this point or they’ll overheat.
- When new leaves appear (and that can take from 3 weeks to 2 months), that means the cutting is rooted and you can begin to acclimate it to normal indoor conditions.
There, that wasn’t that difficult, was it?
Insects and Diseases
A stressed-out hibiscus is a magnet for unwanted insects. Mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids and red spider mites like nothing better than a weakened hibiscus plant! Therefore step number one in keeping your hibiscus healthy is to ensure that it receives adequate lighting and high atmospheric humidity. Also, cooler temperatures in winter (down to 60?/15ºC) tend to discourage pests as well.
Even when you’ve done everything right, pests can still appear, so keep your eyes open. If you see any pests, spray the plant thoroughly with insecticidal soap (not dishwashing detergent) and repeat every 4 to 5 days until you see no more pests.
As for diseases, they’re pretty rare indoors, although hibiscus grown outdoors in the tropics are subject to a few of them
For Further Information
If you are very interested in hibiscus, here are two associations you might want to join: the International Hibiscus Society (the photos on its web site are amazing!) and the American Hibiscus Society.
Tropical hibiscus are sadly not as popular as they were years ago. They are susceptible to so many pathogens now that they may perform no better in the garden than in a greenhouse in other climates. The really fancy sorts are weaker than the simpler old fashioned cultivars. For now, I grow only two, a simple single red and a simple single yellow. I could grow a comparable simple single orange, but am in no rush to acquire it.
Pingback: How Tall Do Hibiscus Trees Grow: Growth Tips & Care Essentials
Last year my daughter gave me a yellow Chines hibiscus which she repotted in a larger pot. (She might not loosen the older soil/ roots before adding more soil). The plant had many flower buds must from growing hormones added by the grower. Most of the flower buds except one dropped. Then I water it really well before I went away for a long weekend. Found the plant died when I returned. Wonder why the flower buds dropped. Now I got a replacement and would follow your advice. What kind of signs I should eat for other than yellow leaves. How can I prevent the flower buds from dropping?
Pingback: Top 10+ How To Care For A Hibiscus Tree
Pingback: how do i keep my hibiscus blooming – cellhow
I have a beauty red ;its doing very well outside; it gave me 5 flowers altogether one day , what a sight to see; I definitely will follow your instructions…thank you so much..
Pingback: 10 Best Plants For Your Florida Garden - Hibiscus
Pingback: WhaleLife Indoor Watering Can for House Bonsai Plants Garden Flower : Tech Family needs
I recused an Hibiscus plant from the dollar shelf at Lowes. All I did was stick in a pot, give it tons of sunshine and watered it when it didn’t rain. It bloomed all summer. I am so proud of my little rescue! I live at the tip of the Jersey Shore so plenty of humidity and sunshine. It is October 2 and I have not brought it inside yet. Too late? If not, do I just bring it in and leave it in until Spring? Or do i have to bring it in and out until it adjusts. thanks so much for your help!
OK, the problem is that there are 3 main types of hibiscus and only one should go indoors. Here’s the article:
If yours is a Chinese hibiscus, do bring it in and soon, too.
Pingback: Tips On How To Grow and Care For an Hibiscus Plant in Your Garden - Home Harmonizing
Hi, I’m in UK and have a very elderly indoor Hibiscus which is totally potbound. I need to cut away the pot. Should I trim the roots before repotting? Advice would be welcome, as plant quite precious to me.
Yes, do trim away the outside roots or at least slice into them here and there: that will stimulate the growth of healthy new roots.
I’m so happy to have found your article. I’m currently remodeling my bedroom and I want to have an indoor common hibiscus (red flower, no fancy stuff). I’m willing to give it the best artificial lights available. You mention fluorenscent bulbs but I’m willing to provide better bulbs if recommended. Also, what do you think about a drip irrigation system for it? I love this plant so much I’m willing to spoil it with everything it needs. I’m in Lancaster, CA. Hot summers but we have about 5 days below 32 degrees. Please advise. Thank you, Henry,
I’m assuming you’re still planning to keep it indoors (days below freezing are not good for this plant!). You could good with full spectrum LED grow lights (a local hydroponics store would certainly have good suggestions). Drip irrigation would be fine as well and the hydroponics people are the ones to talk to about it.
Hi! I brought in my hibiscus back in august, and it was doing great. NOt blooming, but the leaves were green and hearty. Now, the leaves are suddenly wilting en masse. Help!
It could either have dried out completely or soaked in water for too long,
Dried out: most of its roots have probably died, so it will need to grow new ones. Remove dead leaves. For the next few months, keep it slightly moist at all times. And hope against hope.
Too much water/rot: this time, the roots have died of rot. Rot is a disease, so it can spread from died and dying roots to healthy ones. If your entire plant has wilted from rot, that means its roots were impacted everywhere. It won’t recover. If any part still appears alive (with soft greed buds), you might be able to take a cutting.
Hibiscus are not easy plants: they’re tough even for experts to grow. You really have to watch they very carefully and water at just the right times.
Thank you very thorough. I purchased an organic Chinese Hibiscus for my parrots. It arrived about dead so I planted the hibiscus in a large pot placed near my hottest window and within a month a few leaves appeared. I live in zone 7b I treat this plant as an indoor year round. After 2 years my plant is nice and big. Going to do a prune soon thank you for guiding me how. Also very important the Chinese hibiscus loves hot windows after I opened my second shade it grew even larger. No leaf burn they love hot sunny windows from morning to evening. Just to warn you but there beautiful to have and I do not put mine in dormancy. To avoid mold in the soil I water a half a cup every other day only luke warm water. Mine prefer tap VS filter also my air very dry but receives humidity when I shower as the plant is located close.
It took few years for me of trying to succeed with growing tropical hibiscuses indoors (New York).
Why in the world people are suggesting to move hibiscus back and forth indoors/outdoors – stressing it and exposing to disease? My plants are doing way better left indoors year round, blossoming profusely spring/summer and less in the winter. Best advice from me – leave it alone indoors in a permanent place when it is happy, stop looking for a trouble.
And – not every hibiscus are the same – some plants are doing better indoors and some are able to succeed only outdoors. Period. All the science explained. good luck every one.
What are you using for lighting? Do you use a veg, bloom, veg & bloom? My indoor in Alaska bloom, but get very leggy, even under lights. Any suggestions on getting them bushier? Thanks in advance
Hello! I have a hibiscus tree that is about 15 years old. It fell over years ago and so it is basically laying on the ground. The roots on the bottom of the trunk look “braided” and the branches are covered with moss. It is beautiful and blooms very fully during the summer. We are re-landscaping and I am wondering if I can stand the tree up (with supports) and “replant” the roots/trunk in the dirt or will it kill it?
Tough question! It could be quite a shock to the plant, as I suspect the trunk touching the ground has rooted into the soil. You might find it easier to take cuttings and start a new plant than try to lift the old one.
So my husband has a hibiscus tree that he got from his mother SO many years ago … we have been together 13 years and it was way before then. Anyway, it has 3 or 4 big long stems, and halfway up the stems there are thin branches with leaves on them. Most of the time the leaves turn yellow and fall off because we don’t water it enough. It has never been outdoors, but we live in New England and it’s pretty cold up here, definitely not tropical. We re-potted her (we call it his mother) maybe 5 years ago, and she still is getting new baby leaves on the top branches. I’m wondering if we can somehow cut some of those healthy branches and get new roots on them and try to grow a smaller containable plant instead of this huge one. Looking forward to some insight!
November is not the best season for taking cuttings. Wait until Spring (March or later). Hibiscus is a woody shrub and will need rooting hormone, which you can buy in a garden center. You can read about the rest here: And you’ll need a mini-greenhouse: that’s explained in the text.
Alternatively, you can cut Mother back severely, nearly to the ground (again, spring is best) and she’ll grow back much shorter… for a while. If you prune every spring, you can keep her in check pretty much for ever.
I have a beautiful hibiscus that I have brought indoors the past 2 winters (Chicago area). Spring 2018 I brought it out too quickly & it sunburned, dropped virtually all it’s leaves, took 2 months to regrow & flowered the rest of the summer. This year, I transitioned much more carefully, but while the plant has looked healthy & full of leaves, it has had zero flowers. Today, 9/16/19, it has it’s first beautiful flower! Expect I should bring it back in over the next 2 weeks. Could this be a nutrient deficiency? I only fed it once a month plant food while indoors. I don’t feed any of my outdoor plants after initial planting & they all do great. I add granuals to all my annuals, pots & baskets. Should I have done this for the hibiscus, too? Any specific type or brand of plant food you like? Hoping next summer I get this “right”.
You could try fertilizer, but I don’t think that’s likely to be the problem. I’d suggest repotting, removing much of the older potting soil. This is best done in late February/early March, just before the plant its new growth for the year.
Pingback: Hibiscus – Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis
Hi! I brought a hibiscus in for winter and it’s either mold or bugs? Should I just throw it away??
Thanks Dawn
If it’s in really bad shape, yes, toss it! Life is so much simpler when you start with healthy plants!
Pingback: Success With Hibiscus Cuttings – Laidback Gardener
Pingback: Edible Houseplants – Laidback Gardener
I have pests on my indoor hibiscus and I don’t know what a insecticidal soap would be. Is there a common brand name that I could buy and how would I use same just spray from the bottle?
Sally Shupack
You can find insecticidal soap under several brand names in any garden center. Buy the concentrate, then dilute and use any old recycled spray bottle to apply it.