Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day

When a Tree Grows Too Close to a House

Trees can be a wonderful addition to your garden, providing shade, structure and beauty all year round. However, planting trees close to a house can sometimes raise concerns, particularly regarding roots, foundation and branch growth. In this article, Larry Hodgson helps you demystify common concerns about trees planted near foundations, while offering practical tips for maintaining a balance between the benefits of trees and their impact on your home. First published on October 28, 2015, this guide is among the most-viewed articles, ranking #15.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Laidback Gardener blog, and for the occasion we’ve compiled a list of the 30 most popular articles of all time. Some must-reads are a natural on the list, while others may surprise you. These choices reveal what has piqued our curiosity and fueled our passions over the years.

I often get questions about the trees that grow right next to a house. Popular opinion has it that this can cause cracks in the foundation and that the roots of the tree will actually penetrate the concrete, then expand and cause it to crack. Obviously this would be of concern to any homeowner. But it is really true?

The answer is almost always no. Here’s why.

Better Understanding

It’s important to understand that tree roots actively seek moisture in the soil. They will grow towards moisture, but stop growing entirely if the soil is completely dry. And the soil immediately next to a foundation is usually very dry, even more so if there is a roof overhang, as that means little rain reaches it. Also, a foundation generates heat, even in summer, drying out the soil next to it. The result is that, when a tree starts to grow near a foundation, whether it was planted there or sprouted there on its own, the majority of its roots will grow away from the foundation, toward the moister soil nearby.

Also, roots have no affinity for concrete which is naturally dry and also very alkaline and will instead, again, head away from it. So, no, roots will not penetrate the cracks a foundation and are even less likely to create any.

The Exception


However, a problem can occur when the soil used to backfill the foundation walls is clay. During periods of deep drought, the roots of a tree planted near the foundation wall will tend to dry out the soil as they look for the last drops they need for their survival. This causes the soil mass to shrink and pull away from the foundation. If that occurs, the wall is no longer held in place by a mass of soil, can expand outwards and may then crack. Note that this will happen even if there are no trees nearby, but that the presence of a tree can exacerbate the situation.

Note too that no self-respecting contractor would use clay to backfill a foundation. Sand or gravel are far more commonly used. But this problem has turned up in some developments where norms were not followed.

This kind of cracking can largely be avoided by letting some rainwater seep into the soil near the foundation rather than draining it all away. And if there is a severe drought and you know your foundation is surrounded by clay, it would be wise to water the soil near the foundation (a soaker hose would be appropriate) whether a tree grows there or not. If drought is an annual occurrence, it would probably be worthwhile biting the bullet and replacing the clay backfill with sand or gravel… and maybe taking the contractor to court if he can be found!

Other Tree Effects

Under normal circumstances, therefore, the presence of a tree near a house doesn’t harm the foundation. But there are other factors to consider when a tree grows near a house.

Branches shouldn’t be allowed to rub against walls or roofs.

The Rub

The branches of the tree can rub against the building’s walls or roof, especially on a windy day, and that is not good for the tree or the house. It is best to prune back or entirely remove the branches that cause the problem… and that can detract from the tree’s overall appearance.

Overhanging branches mean you’ll have to clean your gutters more often.


Also, depending on the species and also the dimensions of the house, a tree growing next to the foundation can eventually exceed the height of the house and its branches will therefore likely extend over the roof. This in itself is not harmful and will even help cool the house in summer. (Studies show that shading by trees reduces air-conditioning costs by up to 30%.) In addition, a shaded roof will last longer than one constantly exposed to the sun (it’s the sun’s ultraviolet rays that damage roof coverings, resulting in the need to replace them periodically).

However, leaves or needles of an overhanging tree will tend fall on the roof, as will small branches, and that can clog gutters. It’s always wise to clean your home’s gutters in late fall whether you have an overhanging tree or not, but it’s even more important when tree branches stretch over the roof, as there will be more litter to remove. Furthermore, some trees also drop gutter-clogging flowers, fruits or seeds in other seasons. In that case, it may be necessary to clean the gutters more than once a year.

Trees tend to grow towards the light.

Poor Tree

But what about the poor tree that grows next to a house? In general we prefer trees that are symmetrical, with a straight trunk and branches fairly equal in length spreading out in all directions, but the walls of the house create shade. A tree growing near the foundation will therefore tend to grow at an angle, leaning away from the house and toward the source of sunlight. The branches on the shady side will be fewer and shorter and die younger than the branches most exposed to the sun. So the perfect symmetry you’re looking for is compromised.

Ideally, therefore, you should plant a tree at a distance from the house at least equal to half its future spread. That will allow it to really flourish. That could be 10 feet (3 m) for a small tree, but up to 20 feet (6 m) for a tall one. However, if the tree is already there and you don’t mind its somewhat lopsided effect, you don’t have to be in a hurry to remove it. Many trees have grown near the foundations of old homes for decades or even more than a century, do no harm… and may even appear quite attractive.

But What About Underground Pipes?

That’s another question entirely.

Most trees like even moisture. They prefer soil that has some moisture, but also a good supply of oxygen. Constantly wet soil becomes stagnant and lacking in oxygen: their roots will not be able to grow under such circumstances. So the average tree has no affinity for leaky pipes and are unlikely to cause any damage to them.

However, some trees – mostly those that naturally grow in swampy soils and are therefore adapted to low soil oxygen – are so thirsty their roots will naturally tend to move towards sources of water, which can be leaking water, sewer, or drainage pipes. Even they will not grow towards intact pipes: to attract roots, the pipe has to be are cracked or broken, or have joints that are improperly sealed.

Tree roots don’t strangle pipes, but can infiltrate through cracks or leaky joints.

People seem to imagine that the roots wrap themselves around the pipe and crush them, as if they were strangling them, but in fact, the main damage actually comes from very fine fibrous roots that penetrate into small holes already present. Once in the pipe, they start to branch out, forming a dense mass of fine roots that slow the flow of water and may even end up clogging the pipes. Also, the roots that penetrate the pipe thicken over time and that can create pressure that may eventually cause the pipe to crack further or even break up entirely.

The Basic Rule

The basic rule is to not plant trees of any sort within 10 feet (3 m) of underground pipes. And some trees are more avid water-lovers than others – poplars, willows and silver maples are the worst culprits – and are more likely to cause problems. Better away keep them at least 30 feet (10 m) from any pipes. Some cities have bylaws preventing you from planting poplars, willows and silver maples at all, or else require planting them a great distance (65 feet/20 m or even 80 feet/25 m in some cases!) from any city pipes. Oddly, local garden centers generally still sell “illegal” trees in the very municipalities that forbid them.

Remember that the presence of trees is beneficial to your home and increases its value. Do not hesitate to plant them… but do select suitable varieties and plant them under conditions that suit them.

Do Plant Trees… But Think Ahead

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28 comments on “When a Tree Grows Too Close to a House

  1. Related topic:

    We were having a cedar hedge trimmed by an arborist who asked I would like some (annoying) branches that where hanging over our garden – he said we had the right to do this. I looked it up…

    Ontario Self Help law regarding branches hanging over a fence:~

    “Ontario’s self-help law allows you to trim branches or remove roots from a neighbor’s tree that are growing into your property. This law can be used if your neighbor is uncooperative or if you’d rather handle the issue yourself.
    What you can do
    Trim branches: You can trim branches that are hanging over your property.
    Remove roots: You can remove roots that are growing into your property.
    Clean up debris: You can clean up any debris left on your property.

    What you should avoid
    Entering your neighbor’s property: You can’t enter your neighbor’s property without permission.
    Causing unnecessary damage: You shouldn’t cause any unnecessary damage to the tree.
    Removing the entire tree: You’re not legally allowed to remove the tree or harm it.”

  2. Exactly; it is quite rare. In my inspections of such trees, damage is more likely from massive trunks pressing up against walls. It happens with Canary Island pines and Italian stone pines that were formerly live Christmas trees. People too often plant them right at the foundations because they do not know what they are, or how big they grow.

  3. Matthew Cordova

    I have a massive mulberry tree about 2 feet from the foundation of my house. It’s trunk has to be 3ft to 2ft and is at least 50ft high.. My house is old 1940 and is pier and beam style foundation.. It shades the house quite nice and is in Amarillo Texas. I think the tree has to be at least 50 years old and so far I haven’t noticed any foundation problems.. It has some big shallow roots going horizontal from the base but doesn’t seem to be going under the house. It’s hard to get a honest opinion on whether it should be cut down or not. Thanks for the wonderful article!

  4. I purchased a home with a very large pine tree on the north side of the house. It has lifted the foundation 2 inches, and has cracked the basement wall. I had the tree removed and the stump ground, They were only able to grind the stump down 18″ . I need to dig the stump out further and remove the roots under the foundation to bring the foundation back to level. I have supported the basement wall from the inside so it won’t cave in when I start removing the stump with a Backhoe. Do you have any suggestions?

  5. Pingback: Concerned For Your Roof’s Stability? Try Out These Things - Washington DC News Station

  6. Thank you so much for answering all of my questions! You’re providing a valuable public service ?

  7. Hi! Curious if a tree grown too close to a house will grow its branches to touch the wall of the building. I understand how tree branches growing close to a wall or roof could blow in the wind and rub against the house, but will tree branches naturally avoid growing directly into a wall?

    I’m specifically picturing a juvenile tree growing in an alcove and wonder what will happen when it matures.


    • They tend to grow in all directions, although if the wall is dark, they’ll change coursel They do tend to grow towards sunlight… or pale surfaces.

  8. anchi balita

    very informative. this answers my questions. thank you.

  9. Pingback: Distance Trees Should Be Planted From A House Foundation – Home Inspection Insider

  10. We have a beautiful oak tree that has grown in front of the house , the roots have grown towards the house and have pushed up the pavers . Is there a way to turn to cut and turn the roots to go in a different direction. We just put gutters on the house so the water isn’t coming off the house there anymore.

    • You can cut the roots back to behind the pavers. Unless you install a root barrier, though, they’ll probably try to grow back over temps. With gutters, though, the soil at the base of the foundation will be dry and the roots aren’t likely to head that far.

  11. Pingback: What’s the Best Time of the Year for Tree Removal and Stump Removal?

  12. Pingback: How Long Do Tree Roots Grow? – Laidback Gardener

  13. Pingback: How Long Do Tree Roots Grow? – Laidback Gardener

  14. It is interesting that the branches can cause damage to the roof if it scrapes against it in the wind. My wife and I found a home that we were considering buying as our first home and it has a large tree that reaches over the roof. If we get that house, we may consider finding a professional tree removal service provider to take care of the tree so we don’t have to worry about it damaging the roof.

  15. Tracy Cullerot

    Thanks for the quick reply! I will reach out to our property manager to see if we can get a second landscaper to take a look.


  16. Tracy Cullerot

    I live in a townhome development which is 13 years old. The buildings are on a slab (no basement foundation). The original builder planted Evergreens in front of most of them. My building was the firs to be completed and my unit has two beautiful ones (about 10 feet tall now), on either side of my driveway about 8 feet away from my unit. The landscaping company that we have now stated that they were the wrong type of trees to plant here and that these types of Evergreens are too big and the root systems have the potential to encroach and damage to the asphalt, fencing and foundations. Do you think this is necessary? The Evergreens add so much appeal to the property as well as some entryway privacy. The landscaper said he will try to remove the stumps as much as possible and there are no plans to plant anything it their places.

    Tracy Cullerot

    • If I were you, I’d bring in another company for consultation. A second opinion could be very helpful here. I fail to see how a conifer is going to affect the foundation (conifer roots will grow everywhere but under a slab, far too dry for their taste) and unless the fence is a wall, I’m not really sure what that would be a problem… but then, I’m not there to take a look. Yes, conifer roots can push up under asphalt and cause some damage, but, depending the circumstances, a bit of lumpy pavement might not be all that bad.


    I have an oak tree close to house and walkway leading to front door. My husband refuses to cut it down. It sheds continuously and there are always leaves and sticks in bed between house and tree and on walkway. Any suggestions for ground cover or landscaping the area?

  18. Pingback: How Far Should You Plant a Tree from a House? – Laidback Gardener

  19. Michael garcia

    Ash tree in my neighbour’s garden is overhanging my garden and is at least 20mts high what can I do


    • Margaret Hui

      I have young conifers growing closer to my neighbour’s kitchen wall in my garden. My neighbour wants to cut those two conifers as they worry that the roots will damage the house. They are nice people, however, they are driven the lady’s father, who is an environmental ignorant.
      Can conifers pose any danger to the house?

      • Roots don’t damage houses, but I don’t think your neighbor’s will believe it. You’d need to get a arborist to back you.

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