by Mathieu Hodgson January 1, 2023 20 Editorial New Year, New Projects! Many of you already know that I lost my father in October: the famous Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson. Not wantingContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson December 25, 2022 13 Soil The Best Gift You Can Give Is a Garden! Even though I gave up the tradition of gift giving many years ago, I still have fond memories of myContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson December 18, 2022 7 Houseplants It’s in the Bag The holiday season is fast approaching. Are you going away to spend time with the family? Going down south? MaybeContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson December 13, 2022 5 Vegetables Too Late To Plant Garlic? I was recently asked if it was too late to plant garlic. I was secretly hoping it wasn’t, because IContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson December 11, 2022 30 Editorial The Man Behind the Gardener I won’t try to tell you what kind of man my father was. If you’re here, it’s because you knewContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson December 6, 2022 4 Purifying the air with plants Do Plants Purify Air? Do a web search on air purification by plants and you’ll find hundreds of articles on the subject. There areContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson December 4, 2022 8 Gardening Houseplants Plants Rest in Winter; Gardeners Should Too! Last summer, I wanted to add some houseplants to my (small) collection. But as is often the case, I ranContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson November 27, 2022 8 Pots The Snowflake That Broke the Terracotta’s Back Last week, I returned home to Montreal after a few weeks away. As much as I love to travel, there’sContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson November 20, 2022 11 Landscape design The Toil of a Laidback Gardener I have, in a way, inherited my father’s garden which is now my step-mother’s. I have become the gardener forContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
by Mathieu Hodgson November 15, 2022 22 Mulching To Cardboard Mulch or Not to Cardboard Mulch A few weeks ago, I attended a forum on pollinators in our gardens. Among other things, we learned about theirContinue Reading Share this:TwitterFacebookLinkedInPinterestLike this:Like Loading...