Perennials for Every Purpose: Choose the Right Plants for Your Conditions, Your Garden, and Your Taste

by Larry Hodgson
Paperback, 512 pages
March 2003

Encyclopedic in its range of information, this single volume contains everything you need to know to create a breathtaking perennial garden. Hodgson thoughtfully covers site selection, starting a garden, garden pests, and diseases and gives the lowdown on more than 700 perennials. As he says, ‘Some give you great value for your money, some are weeds, and some need special care.’ Plants are organized by attribute, from bloom time or light needs to low-care and no-care categories. Each plant description includes vital statistics, a list of the problems and solutions specific to that plant, suggested ‘neighbors,’ recommended cultivars, plus a color photograph showing both bloom and foliage. Learn how to plan your dream garden and follow the 10 commandments of perennial design to avoid the most common pitfalls of perennial gardening. If you are overwhelmed or intimidated by the choices, simply select one of Hodgson’s lovely no-fail designs, such as an entry garden, a shady foliage garden, or even a layer cake garden.

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