Slugs Ruining Your Garden? Get Ducks!
This is not a joke. Ducks are excellent finders and consumers of slugs and snails, plus many other insects andContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
This is not a joke. Ducks are excellent finders and consumers of slugs and snails, plus many other insects andContinue Reading
Isn’t it wonderful to hear the chirping of birds in your garden, watch them feast on the seeds you putContinue Reading
We’ve all been told not to feed wild animals, that it’s not good for them and that Mother Nature knowsContinue Reading
Did you know that it’s possible to plant bulbs without digging a hole? Simply loosen the surface soil, add aContinue Reading
Can a tiny Jack Russell terrier chase away deer ten times his size? A reader from Rawdon, Quebec says heContinue Reading
Composting is so simple: you just add kitchen and garden waste to a pile or bin and stir it fromContinue Reading
There are all sorts of garden myths, but one of the strangest is certainly the one that suggests if youContinue Reading
Here’s one insect where damage is certainly much more noticeable than the insect itself. The plant’s leaves – especially theContinue Reading
Probably every gardener will have to deal with an undesirable animal or bird at some point: a groundhog grazing onContinue Reading
Deer are causing more and more problems to gardeners. As homes spread out into their territory, they become habituated toContinue Reading
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