The High bush Cranberry: Star of Mother Naturel’s Winter Garden
Looking for a little color in winter? Vitamin C? Fresh fruit? I’ve got the solution for you: high bush cranberry!Continue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Looking for a little color in winter? Vitamin C? Fresh fruit? I’ve got the solution for you: high bush cranberry!Continue Reading
I want to talk to you about glasswort. Have you ever heard of it? To be honest, I hadn’t! IContinue Reading
What the hell is this thing? It’s not a balloon, it’s on the ground. It’s white, smooth and quite firm…Continue Reading
Who doesn’t love berries? In Canada, we’re lucky enough to have several (really several) varieties that we often don’t evenContinue Reading
The Trout Lily, Recognize the First Plant of Spring It may not be THE first, but in my heart itContinue Reading