Actually, the lower lump of dirty white in the photo is not a beluga, although I think it looks like one, but is actually melting snow. And the upper snow bank might be a half-submerged baby beluga. And I took that photo this afternoon, May 12, 2019, Mother’s Day.
Yes, while much of the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is well into spring, I’m still dealing with the end of winter. After an exceptionally cold March (with no snow melt worth mentioning), we moved into an exceptionally cold April when the snow did melt back considerably, but it’s only been in the last two weeks (May) that my garden has truly started to appear out of the snow. Snow at Mother’s Day! Who would have thought!
That will be the last of the “snow stories” this year. The snow that’s left will be gone in two or three days. And garden life goes on.
I’m in Labrador, so I know how you feel. Recently I posted a picture on a gardening site of me potting things up while the snow melted in the background. Someone commented, “Looks cold”, but it was actually 14 C!
Colder than me, then, most of the time. But this year, maybe not so much. We were even told it was going to be warm (18C) today, but that didn’t happen. However, the snow has melted and gardening continues. Lots of little bulbs are up.
I love your pseudonym, by the way. Do most people understand it?.
Yes, everyrhing’s beginning to sprout here too, which is great.
Thanks for picking up on the name – some people get it, but it just passes some by.
We got rain . . . . in MAY! After more than a month of pleasant weather, we turned heaters on again!
I just don’t know what the heck is going on with the weather at the moment…
(Well, I do know… climate change, global warming, ozone layer, carbon footprints, all that kind of thing… 30 years ago, gardening experts telling us that growing olive trees and banana plants in our gardens was a complete impossibility and now, here I am, in Sunny UK, sitting in my garden with two wonderful little olive trees thriving against a south-west wall, but….yeah…)
I just don’t know what the heck is going on with the weather at the moment… !
Well, send me some of your warmth: it’s still freezing here!
I bought my mother a plant with a beautiful yellow big roses. However this is where the story gets better. After the yellow roses blood.ed out a few weeks the oncuring rose began producing dark RED and extravagant YELLOW rose buds as well on tbe same plant. I will upload picture to show all of you how excited I am when the blossoms come out. Also iike to help a friend of mine mother miss Glenda Brown because she is older and legally blind but works hard in her garden everyday with passion and i love to see her smile wben i deliver her lactose and flowers PINK and WHITE are her favorite. She teaches me old tricks to make my flowers and roses generate double tbe amount than they are supposed to. So I have been addo g a gallon of milk one a week to the base of tbe root of the plant. I will let you k ow what happens and pi tires. I have also nust learned about puting lots of old rusty nails in the bactose and dirt around the base of my hygranius and i am excited. My former boss at a bank got me interested in growing plants and making my property beautiful and seek g tbe results of what I done is fun exciting and a hobby I will continue to listen and learn from my elders on old tricks and ideas. My philosophy and idea is people love to plant flowers because their flowers or blooms so my yard only has oncuring blums that stay all year around or they don’t belong in my yard. WHITE matches tress no key grass variated and regular around trees and along sidewalks to mailbox hygranius azalea encuring. I think after a few mistakes i will learn wherever i live to grow a amazing garden. So long story short has ANYONE had a rose plant with yellow and red nlums on tje same plant and show me pictures. Thanks friends and happy gardening.
There are occasional bicolor yellow and red roses, but generally they are mutations and can’t be reproduced.
I don’t have any snow, but we sure have cold temps, gray skies, and way too much rain. It feels like Thanksgiving out there instead of Mothers’ Day. 🙂