Container gardens Gardening Pots Vegetables

Vegetables on Your Balcony? It’s in the Bag!

You don’t need a pot to start a vegetable garden on your balcony or terrace. You can grow vegetables and herbs directly in a bag of potting soil! And it’s so easy! 

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Place the bag of soil on a flat surface.

2. Punch several dozen holes in the bag with a fork or screwdriver. These holes will serve as drainage holes to allow any excess water to drain out.

3. Flip the bag over so that the drainage holes are now facing down.

4. Cut a rectangle of plastic out of the top of the bag, leaving the sides intact. 

5. Sow or transplant your vegetables and herbs, according to their usual spacing (example, there is room in a typical 18 liter/19 quart bag for 2 tomatoes, 4 peppers, 16 lettuces, etc.).

6. Water well.

Helpful Hint: A bag of potting soil holds less water than a large container garden and will therefore need more frequent watering.

And there you go! Just give your “bag garden” routine care and you’ll soon be harvesting fresh, delicious vegetables and herbs!

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1 comment on “Vegetables on Your Balcony? It’s in the Bag!

  1. In an apartment building, the guy downstairs might not like this.

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