This article tackles a popular gardening technique: rooting rose cuttings in potatoes. While this method can work, it’s largely unnecessary. Instead, we’ll explore a simpler, more effective way to propagate roses that avoids complications and delivers great results. Originally published on June 11, 2016, this article by Larry Hodgson continues to be highly regarded, securing its place as one of the five most popular gardening articles on this blog.

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Yes, you can root a rose cutting in a potato… buy why would you want to?

Here’s a tip you see a lot on the Internet: how to root roses in a potato.

It certainly seems simple enough. You just drill a hole in a potato and slip a section of stem from a rose bush into the hole. Now plant the potato in the ground about 4 inches (10 cm) deep. Water well and cover with an inverted bottle to maintain high humidity. After a few weeks, your little rose bush will be well rooted!

The basic concept is that, as the potato rots, it will provide moisture to the cutting… and indeed that’s true. Some sources claim that the rotting potato will also provide the new roots in sugar, which is… impossible. Sorry, but sugar molecules are far too large to be absorbed by roots.

Yes, It Works, But…

The weird thing about this tip is that you would get the same result without even using a potato! That’s because rooting a rose cutting is very simple. Here’s how:20160611A.jpg

  1. Cut a green or semi-woody stem from your favorite rosebush in June or July (can vary depending on climate). It should be about 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) long.
  2. Remove the lower leaves and any flowers or buds.
  3. Slip the bottom end of the cutting into the ground, directly in the garden, in a partially shaded location. (Alternatively, you could start the cutting in a pot of soil.)
  4. Water well.
  5. Place an inverted wide-neck bottle or the bottom of a soda bottle over the cutting to act as mini greenhouse.
  6. When new leaves appear, remove the bottle: your cutting will be rooted!
  7. Transplant the cutting into a spot suitable for growing roses (full sun, rich soil with good drainage)… and watch your new rosebush grow!

Yep, it’s that simple! Rooting a rose without a potato is faster, requires less effort, and gives results that are just as good. In fact, sometimes even better (sometimes rats or skunks will dig up potato-grown cuttings, attracted by the smell of the rotting tuber.) Plus you will have an extra potato to feed your family.

Why make things complicated when they can be so simple?

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Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all.

9 comments on “Rose Cuttings in a Potato

  1. This is a very helpful article-you could count on Larry! I had no idea propagating roses was so simple. I shall try Victoria’s idea of using a soda bottle so I can keep it near the back door (in mostly shade and protected) and gradually moving it to a larger pot and then its final home. Some of our roses (40 years+ old) are really getting woody at the base and I shall try a few of them in order to have some fresh growth.

  2. Well last summer I did try growing a rose cutting. Not using a potato but growing in soil. I grew mine in the bottom of a big soda bottle filled with potting soil, using the top to cover the plant. Set it out in a shady place and it did great! I was amazed! My first try worked! It was easy. Planting the cutting directly in the soil where you want it to ultimately grow might be easier but having the cutting nearby where I could be sure to keep an eye on it was helpful. I have grown it on in a larger pot and plan on putting it in its appointed growing spot this spring.

  3. Patricia Anne Kehela

    I would rather have a potato in my soil than a broken bottle.

    • Maryl discuillo

      You need the bottle with either method so not sure what your talking about

  4. sally C dalzell

    Did this project. Now I have a potato plant growing and my rose cutting died…..

  5. Üst düzey bahis imkan? veren sbtech bahis siteleri lisans bilgisi ile güvenilir bir platform olu?turmaktad?r.

  6. Hi Larry!
    Thank you for your blog!
    I will try rose cuttings in a potato.


  7. This is very helpful, and I like simple. I’ve never seen the potato method before, but now I know more about it if I ever see it.

  8. Pingback: 50 best gardening hacks of all time | Garden Tips | Hacks

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