Laidback Gardener Tip of the Day

How to Repot an Orchid

One essential aspect of maintaining a healthy orchid is knowing when and how to repot it. Unlike many other houseplants, orchids require a specialized growing medium and periodic repotting to keep their roots healthy and well-aerated. This guide primarily addresses the care and repotting of Phalaenopsis orchids, the most common variety found in homes. Originally published on February 28, 2015, this article by Larry Hodgson remains a valuable resource for orchid enthusiasts, ranking as the fourth most popular article ever published on this blog.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Laidback Gardener blog, and for the occasion we’ve compiled a list of the 30 most popular articles of all time. Some must-reads are a natural on the list, while others may surprise you. These choices reveal what has piqued our curiosity and fueled our passions over the years.


Like any houseplant, orchids need to be repotted occasionally,  especially when their potting mix has started to decompose (notably, the pieces of bark it contains will seem spongy to the touch), probably after 2 or 3 years of growth. The best time to do this is just before or as the orchid starts a new growth cycle, usually at the end of winter. If however your orchid is in bud or bloom at that season, delay potting until it finishes flowering… or snip off the flower stems.


The first step in repotting is… to find a suitable growing medium. Very few orchids can grow in a standard potting soil: you’ll need a mix designed for orchids, often composed of pieces of bark, coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, perlite, clay pebbles, charcoal, etc. You can find orchid potting mixes in any good garden center, but also at orchid shows and orchid society meetings.

Unlike many plants, it is not always necessary to repot into a larger pot, unless the pot is actually full of roots. This is especially true if your plant is a monopodial orchid (single stem orchid), such as the very popular phalaenopsis. Since sympodial orchids (orchids with pseudobulbs or multiple stems) produce offsets at their base over time, a larger pot may be needed… unless you prefer to divide the plant, which is also an option.
Note that plastic pots are better suited to orchids than ceramic or terra-cotta ones. If you use the same pot, clean it thoroughly before reusing.

Repotting a phalaenopsis


Since potting techniques varies slightly depending on the type of orchid, let’s focus here on phalaenopsis orchids (Phalaenopsis), which after all make up about 95% of all the orchids sold as houseplants. Therefore your orchid is mostly likely a phalaenopsis.

The day before repotting, water your orchid: that will make it easier to remove it from its pot. Also pour a potful of orchid mix into a bowl and soak it overnight to absorb some moisture. Simply let it drain before starting.

Remove the orchid from its pot without breaking the roots. To learn how, see No Damage Pot Removal.


With your fingers, remove as much of the old mix as possible, then cut off any dead, rotten or broken roots (they will appear brown or soft) with pruning shears, disinfecting them with rubbing alcohol between each cut to avoid spreading disease. Also remove any yellowing leaves or dead flower stalks. You can rinse the roots with clean water to remove any dirt.


Add some moist orchid mix to the bottom of the pot (no drainage layer is required). Center the plant in the pot at the same height it was in its original pot, spreading out the roots as evenly as possible. This includes the aerial roots which were probably sprouting from the pot and stretching in all directions. You can now direct them into the pot and cover them with mix if you prefer. Now work orchid mix evenly among the roots, filling the pot nearly to the brim, pushing and pressing down with your fingers as you go so that the plant is firmly seated. Finally, spray the growing mix water with warm water.


During the first weeks, go easy on the watering. Often a daily spritz is enough. When you see signs of recovery (usually after 2 or 3 weeks), begin watering as you did before. You can start to fertilize the freshly repotted orchid in about a month.

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Garden writer and blogger, author of 65 gardening books, lecturer and communicator, the Laidback Gardener, Larry Hodgson, passed away in October 2022. Known for his great generosity, his thoroughness and his sense of humor, he reached several generations of amateur and professional gardeners over his 40-year career. Thanks to his son, Mathieu Hodgson, and a team of contributors, will continue its mission of demystifying gardening and making it more accessible to all.

4 comments on “How to Repot an Orchid

  1. Bill Russell

    The “No Damage…” link does not work, and the Pingbacks lead to “This site is currently private”. Oh well.

  2. F. Krasowska

    “Note that plastic pots are better suited to orchids than ceramic or terra-cotta ones.” Why is this?

  3. Pingback: Can You Grow Orchids in a Wine Cork Substrate? – Laidback Gardener

  4. Pingback: Curing Orchidophobia – Laidback Gardener

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