Beware: Whiteflies Are Back
Every year, it’s the same story. We bring in a few plants in autumn – geraniums, fuchsias or other “annuals”Continue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
Every year, it’s the same story. We bring in a few plants in autumn – geraniums, fuchsias or other “annuals”Continue Reading
Question I have a collection of African violets, about a hundred of them. This autumn I brought in my plantsContinue Reading
I regularly receive questions from gardeners who are afraid of bees and want to know which plants will not attractContinue Reading
Question My hibiscus and my abutilon spend the summer outdoors. For the past 2 years, I’ve noticed that while they’reContinue Reading
What to do when you have a recurring problem with a plant? One suffers from a disease or an insect everyContinue Reading
By Julie Boudreau Boxwood is a small shrub that is increasingly coveted by gardeners. It gives to the landscape anContinue Reading
Asian ladybugs (Harmonia axyridis), native to China, and also called Asian lady beetles or Asian ladybirds, have been imported into many countries as beneficialContinue Reading
In the same vein as “why tomatoes didn’t grow in 2023”, here’s “why there are so many mosquitoes in 2023”.Continue Reading
By Julie Boudreau The arctic willow hedge needs to be trimmed. But just before plunging the shears into the hedge,Continue Reading
The red spider mite (also called the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae) is widespread in nature. In fact, it isContinue Reading