The Sensational ZZ Plant
When you name a plant after its first letter, the last in the alphabet, you can be sure there isContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
When you name a plant after its first letter, the last in the alphabet, you can be sure there isContinue Reading
When we talk about houseplants that are easy to grow, also called plants for beginners, we often mention Spider PlantsContinue Reading
By Larry Hodgson It’s your first experience with houseplants. So, you choose a flowering plant of extraordinary beauty and bringContinue Reading
There are enough coffee seedlings (Coffee arabica) in this pot to start a small coffee plantation! Photo: You oftenContinue Reading
Why do novice gardeners always seem to start with the most complicated houseplants? Gardenias, bonsais, carnivorous plants, living stones and,Continue Reading