Ficus: Perfect Little House Trees
By Julie Boudreau It’s great to grow lots of small indoor plants, which can be placed on coffee tables andContinue Reading
Welcome to Larry Hodgson’s world
By Julie Boudreau It’s great to grow lots of small indoor plants, which can be placed on coffee tables andContinue Reading
A guest blog offered by MantelMount. Are overly dim or dry rooms getting in the way of your dreams to becomeContinue Reading
The Story of the Begonia Flowering begonias have full, plump flowers in cheerful colors such as red, pink, orange, whiteContinue Reading
Most of the time, gardeners just use any old pot or cachepot for their houseplants without thinking too much aboutContinue Reading
Kokedamas. You’ve certainly seen them: small houseplants growing in a moss-covered ball, often sitting on decorative trays or plates orContinue Reading
Winter? What winter? Above is what I see from my living room when I’m comfortably stretched out on my recliner.Continue Reading
Pattern plants (here, peace lilies) add a vibrant, earthy aspect to any home. Think too about choosing pots that suitContinue Reading